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On this web site, the database reports there are 1420 web pages illustrated with 3222 Parthian coins and 424 Roman coins. The Annotated Parthia Bibliography contains 3454 reference works by 1711 authors. Click here for statistical analysis of the Parthian coin image database
This site complies with the W3C standards HTML 4.01 and CSS level 3. The bottom of each page has buttons to test compliance with these standards. [On some pages the HTML element NOBR (non-breaking text) is used for legacy purposes, but is recognized by all browsers.] was launched in 1998, designed using the 216 "safe" colors so it could be viewed consistently with any Internet browser. Now that 8-bit color limitations are a thing of the past, this site can be viewed at any color depth. For the best viewing of photographs, use True Color (32-bit color depth) and a high resolution screen for your display.
To allow proper viewing on tablets, smart phones and other devices, this site has been redesigned using responsive website design principles.
This site uses Unicode fonts throughout. Unicode is not perfect for classicists and numismatists. Not all Unicode Greek fonts have the Archaic Koppa () and lunate Digamma (
, also called
Stigma in Unicode) characters required to express dates engraved on some Greek coins. Also, while Unicode has both a four-bar Sigma (
) and a lunate Sigma (C), many other
Greek letterform variants are not separately encoded. The technology is evolving to allow variant letterforms, but until that technology matures, we must express Greek legends in the standard letterforms so they will be readable by the majority of computers, unlike the obsolete and unlamented Symbol font. This site uses the Segoe UI or Microsoft Sans Serif fonts to represent Greek inscriptions.
But for the best coverage of the Unicode range of characters appropriate to classical studies and numismatics, and for proper rendering of Greek text on this web site, you should have at least one of the following Unicode fonts installed on your computer:
Some other Greek font technical issues and font recommendations are described on the web page Unicode Greek Fonts for Numismatists.
In order of preference, the following serif fonts will be used automatically throughout this web site: Constantia or Book Antiqua or Georgia or Palatino Linotype or Times New Roman or Times.
This web site is designed using the Constantia font because its design characteristics make it an excellent presentation font for web pages with an "ancient" feel. Constantia is reminiscent of old style typefaces but specifically designed for computers with excellent display qualities. It is not quite a true serif font, but rather a hybrid of serif and sans serif. Constantia is distributed with Microsoft Windows and Microsoft Office 2007 and later applications.
Book Antiqua is an excellent "ancient" feel font but was replaced by Palatino Linotype in Microsoft software distributions in 2000. Book Antiqua is available if you installed Microsoft Office 95 through Office 365.
The Georgia font is part of the Web core fonts package and is preinstalled by default on Windows-based computers through Windows 10 and on all Apple Macintosh systems. The Georgia typeface shares many similarities with Times New Roman, though Georgia is noticeably larger than Times at the same point size.
Palatino Linotype font, the definitive version of Hermann Zapf's famous Palatino also has an "ancient" feel. While not every browser will have it available, Palatino Linotype is widely available on Macs and has been distributed with all Microsoft applications since 2000. Since its design in 1950 it has become one of the world's most widely used typefaces.
Where none of the above fonts is available on your computer, Times New Roman or Times font is substituted. Times New Roman (and the closely related Times) font is ubiquitous on modern computers. This font is supplied with all versions of Microsoft Windows. It is also available on Apple Macintosh computers.
Where none of the above fonts is available, the default font specified for your Internet browser will be used.
The TrueType-OpenType icon is used to identify web pages or links that require a special font. There are two specialty fonts currently available:
Numismatica Pro Fonts - A font that includes archaic and classical Greek letterforms in addition to numismatic control mark and monogram glyphs. See the Numismatica Pro Font web page for more information.
Cardo - Another font (free at the web site) that includes archaic and classical Greek letterforms compatible with Numismatica Pro. However, it does not include numismatic control mark and monogram glyphs.
Adobe Type 1 fonts (also known as PostScript, PS1, T1, Adobe Type 1, Multiple Master, or MM) are 0bsolete, replaced by the larger glyph sets and more robust technical possibilities of OpenType fonts.
While the names are similar, Java and JavaScript are completely different. Java is a programming language developed by Sun which allows creation of programs such as Java applets, small applications embedded within a web page which must be downloaded. Java applets frequently cause problems, particularly on older browsers, and many users turn off Java in their browsers. JavaScript, on the other hand, is a scripting language developed by Netscape which requires no downloading and runs reliably on almost all browsers.
The pages on this web site require JavaScript be enabled for proper
viewing, but do not require Java. If you have a properly enabled browser you will see a message immediately
below this paragraph, enclosed in a white box, stating which browser you're using:
If you received a warning, don't see a message or possibly don't even see the white box, you should:
1. Check to insure that the JavaScript option is enabled in your browser's properties settings. Some browsers do not allow you to turn off JavaScript, while some other browsers do. Note that turning off Java and turning off JavaScript in a browser are different and unrelated actions.
2. Upgrade your browser to a recent version of Microsoft Edge, Chrome, Firefox, or other JavaScript-enabled Internet browser.
This site uses Adobe Acrobat Reader™ to enable your use of documents on the web; Acrobat Reader is free software that lets you view and print Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) files on a variety of hardware and operating system platforms. Acrobat Reader is required to view either the downloaded or on-line versions of PDF documents. Files that require Adobe Reader are identified with the Adobe PDF icon.
Click this button to get the latest version of Adobe Acrobat Reader for free.
This site previously used Adobe Flash™ for several interactive graphics. As of January 1, 2021, Adobe Flash Player is no longer supported and has been discontinued by Adobe. The interactive graphics have temporarily been replaced with JPEG images while we work to provide the new standard HTML5 animations.
The contents of this site web site are for your personal, educational, non-commercial use only, are Copyright ©1998-2023 by Edward C. D. Hopkins and may not be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic or otherwise, without the prior permission of the copyright owner.
Images on this web site are Copyright ©1998-2023 by Edward C. D. Hopkins or the copyrighted intellectual property of individuals or entities who specifically permit their use on this web site. No image may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic or otherwise, without the prior permission of the copyright owner(s).
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This page last updated 01 Mar 2023