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Bibliography Page 16

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Diakonoff, I. M.
"O Yazyke dokumentov iz drevnej Nisy" (1956)
Vestnik Drevnei Istorii, 1956, no. 4, p. 100-113.
"The progress of the work on the Nisa documents" (1957)
In: Franke, Herbert von (ed.), Akten des vierundzwanzigsten Internationalen Orientalisten-Kongresses (24th International Congress of Orientalists) München 28. August bis 4. September 1957 / hrsg. von Herbert Franke
Wiesbaden: Franz Steiner Verlag, 1959, p. 521-524.
Diakonoff, I. M. & Livshits, V. A.
"O jazyke dokumentov iz drevnej Nisy", (1956)
Vestnik Drevnei Istorii, 1956, no. 4, p. 100-113.
"Iz materialov Parfyanskoi Kantselyarii staroi Nisy" (1960)
In: Sbornik v chest I. A. Orbeli
1960, vol. 2, p. 332.
"Dokumenti iz Nisi I v. do n.e. (Predvaritel'nie itogi raboti)" [Documents from Nisa of the 1st century B.C. (Preliminary Summary of the work)] (1960)
In: 25th International Congress of Orientalists
Moscow: 1960
Abstract: Fragments of the ostraka discovered by the Russians at Nisa in the 1950s. The ostraka from Nisa are written in the same script as the parchments from Avroman and provide the only other truly contemporary Pahlavi documents. Richard A. Olson [Greek Letterforms, 39 fn.] refers us to this for a discussion of early Parthian epigraphy.
"Parfyanskoe tsarskoe khozyaystvo v Nise v. do n.e." [The Parthian Royal Economy in Nisa] (1960)
Vestnik Drevnei Istorii, no. 2, p. 14-38.
Abstract: Describes the inscriptions on the 2000 ostraca found at Nisa, which he believes are heterographic Parthian rather than Aramaic. Describes excavations at Nisa, near Ashkabad. Cited by Frye, 1984, p. 205.
"Novie nakhodki dokumentov v Staroy Nise" [New finds of documents in Old Nisa] (1966)
In: Peredneaziatskiy sbornik, II. Desifrovka i interpretacija pis'mennostej Drevnego Vostoka, Moskva
Moscow: 1966, p. 134-157, 169-173.
Parthian Economic Documents from Nisa (1976-1980)
In: MacKenzie, D. N. (ed.), Corpus inscriptionum Iranicarum, Pt 2. Inscriptions of the Seleucid and Parthian periods and of Eastern Iran and Central Asia. v. 2. Parthian
London: P. Lund, Humphries, 1976
Abstract: A bibliography of finds related to the excavations at Nisa, near Ashkabad. Cited by Frye, 1984, p. 205.
See reviews: P. O. Skjærvø, Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies 44/1 (1981), p. 222; S. Haruta, “Review: Diakonoff/Livshits, Parthian Economic Documents from Nisa”, The Bulletin of the Faculty of Letters Tokai University, 81 (2004), pp. 137-143.
See also review by Almuth Degener on the Fravahr.org web site
Pt. 2. Inscriptions of the Seleucid and Parthian periods and of Eastern Iran and Central Asia.
-- v. 2. Parthian.
[no. 1] Parthian economic documents from Nisa: Plates I (123 b/w plates, 1976).
[no. 2] Parthian economic documents from Nisa: Plates II (124-330 = 206 b/w plates, 1977).
[no. 3] Parthian economic documents from Nisa: Plates III (1979).
[no. 4] Parthian economic documents from Nisa: Texts I (1977).
Parthian Economic Documents from Nisa (translated to Persian by Shahram Heydarabadian) (1976-1980)
1976, 222 p.
Diakonoff, I. M. & Zeimal, E. V.
"Pravitel" Parfii Andragor i ego monet'" (1988)
Vestnik Drevnei Istorii, 1988, no. 4, p. 4-19.
"The Parthian Dynast Andragoras and his Coins" [in Russian] (1988)
Vestnik Drevnei Istorii, 1988, vol. 187, no. 4, p. 4-19.
Abstract: Michael Alram wrote a short commentary about this article in "Stand und Aufgaben der arsakidischen Numismatik", in Das Partherreich und seine Zeugnisse, J. Wiesehöfer ed., Historia Einzelschriften 122, Stuttgart 1998, 369-370.
Diakonoff, I. M., Diakonoff, M. M. & Livshits, V. A.
"Dokumenty iz drevney Nisy" (1924)
Leningrad: 1924
"Nalogovye parfianskie dokumenty II v. do n.e. iz Nisy" [in Russian, Parthian taxation documents of the second century B.C. from Nisa] (1951)
In: Materialy IUTAKE, vol 2
Moscow: 1951, p. 21-65.
Abstract: Also as: "Dokumenty iz drevnej Nisy (dešifrovka i analiz)", Nalogovye parfjanskie dokumenty II veka do n.e. iz Nisy. [Materialy Ju žno-Turkmenistanskoj arxeologičeskoj kompleksnoj ekspeditsii, vypusk 2]. Moskau /
Leningrad, S. 21-65
"Parfianskij archiv iz drevnej Nisy" [in Russian] (1953)
Vestnik Drevnei Istorii, 1953, no. 4, p. 114-130.
Diakonoff, M. M.
Ocherk istorii drevnego Irana (1961)
Moscow: 1961
Dien, Albert E.
"A Brief Survey of Defensive Armor Across Asia" (2000)
Journal of East Asian Archaeology, 2000, vol. 2, no. 3-4 (Sep), p. 1-22.
Abstract: Scale armor had a long history in the Near East and was almost exclusively the armor of the steppeland nomads. While depictions of Scythians in art seldom show them wearing armor, extensive archaeological finds yield scale armor. The Sarmatians were famed for scale armor which covered their bodies and that of their horses. Scale armor reached its furthest level of development among the Parthian cataphracti. The armor included flexible ring armor for the arms and legs. On the other hand, lamellar armor in the form of a long, caftan-like very supple suit was the dominant type of armor during the Sasanian period and eventually was introduced into Eastern Turkestan and China. The Khalchayan site has depictions of both light and heavy armored figures, but the manner in which the square laminae were joined is not clear. The Kushan rulers of Bactria shown on coins emphasized light cavalry, but later ones are depicted in scale or plate armor with the flexible ring leg and arm armor. As depicted in art, the armor of this area displayed Greco-Roman influences as well as that of the Indians to the south and the nomads to the north. [Author]
Dieudonné, A.
Monnaies Romaines et Byzantines récemment acquises par le cabinet es mèdailles: Labiénus (1899)
Revue Numismatique, 1899, tome/ser. 4, vol. 3, p. 177-179.
Abstract: Discussion and plate of Q. Labienus coins, pp. 177-179 and pl. 3, 1 (the Münzen und Medaillen Public Sale #43 lot 242 aureus)
"Numismatique syrienne, Émèse" (1906)
Revue Numismatique, 1906, vol. 10, p. 132-155.
"La Mission de Suse" (1929)
Revue Numismatique, 1929, tome/ser. 4, vol. 32, p. 27-34.
Dieulafoy, Jane
"The Excavations At Susa" (1887)
Harper's Magazine, 1887, no. June
Abstract: This informative 21-page, illustrated article is full of facts about the 1881 French expedition by the wealthy Dieulafoy household into Persia to explore the desolate region that in ancient times was the great Persian empires of Artaxerxes and Darius. This article is an extremely well-written summary of the entire expedition by Madame Jane Dieulafoy, one of the principle archeologists leading the venture. She describes in exact detail the topography, climate, difficulties, and discoveries encountered in this great work. Madame Dieulfoy received the French distinction, the Cross of the Order of the Legion of Honor for her indefatigable courage in spearheading this expedition. Very few women have ever earned the Legion of Honor. Some of the prominent sites discovered included the tomb of Daniel, the palace of Artaxerxes, Enameled Lions at the palace gate, palace of Darius, and others. The article takes on the aura of an adventure story as the trek back to the Persian Gulf over 200 miles of desert met with logistical difficulties transporting massive archaeological finds and bandits who harried the travelers constantly. This 1887 article was the first public report of this monumental archaeological find, and the article itself is a fascinating step back to a great day in archaeology. This is not a modern reprint, but rather, the authentic 114-year old magazine article in its original state. There are facts, observations, and insights here that can not be found in any of today's sources. This is a great source of Persian archaeological history. There are 15 engraved illustrations including: The Seal of Artaxerxes - portraits of Monsieur and Madame Jane Dieulafoy - Tomb of Daniel - Transporting the Treasures Across the Jungle - Enameled Brick Staircase - Colossal Lion in Enameled Faience, and others.
La Perse, la Chaldée et la Susiane : Relation de voyage (1887)
In: Western books: The Middle East from the Rise of Islam. Unit 5 ; fiches 4,931-4,940
Paris: Hachette, 1887, 357 p.
A Suse : journal des fouilles, 1884-1886 (1888)
In: Western books: The Middle East from the rise of Islam. Unit 6 ; fiches 5,735-5,73
Paris: Hachette, 1888, 366 p.
"La Perse, la Chaldee et la Susiane par Madame Jane Dieulafoy" (1888)
In: Le Tour Du Monde
Paris: 1888
Abstract: La Perse, la Chaldee et la Susiane par Madame Jane Dieulafoy. Iman Zadeh Jaffary, Minaret et Mosaiques Mogols, le Salaire Recalme par le Protecteur des Etrangers, Le Palais de Farah Abad, le Tarkte Soliman, le Champ de Bataille de Golnabad, le Cimetiere Armenien, Circoncision des Tombes Chretiennes, Abad
Dieulafoy, Marcel A.
Monuments parthes et sassanides (1884-1889)
In: L'art antique de la Perse; Achéménides, Parthes, Sassanides, vol. 5
Paris: Librairie centrale d'architecture, 1889
La Perse, la Chaldée et la Susiane (1887)
Paris: 1887
L'acropole de Suse, d'après les fouilles exécutées en 1884, 1885, 1886; sous les auspices du Musée du Louvre (1890-1892)
Paris: Hachette, 1892
Dijkstra, K.
"Aramese votiefteksten en votiefgeschenken uit Hatra" (1994)
Phoenix, 1994, vol. 40, no. 3, p. 184-94.
Dilleman, L.
Haute Mésopotamie orientale et pays adjacents; contribution à la géographie historique de la région, du Ve s. avant l'ère chrétienne au VIe s. de cette ère (1962)
In: Bibliothèque archéologique et historique ; t. 72
Paris: P. Geuthner, 1962
Abstract: Reading suggestion for caravan sites.
Dilmaghani, J.
"Parthian coins from Mithradates II to Orodes II" (1986)
Numismatic Chronicle, 1986, vol. 146, p. 216-224.
Abstract: This note deals with the attribution of the coins from Mithradates II to Orodes II. A brief review of progress achieved so far concludes that the sequence of coins derived by Morkholm (NC 1980) is satisfactory. By considering the coins of other dynasties contemporary with the Parthians, the cuneiform tablets from Babylonian and the Parthian drachms, conclusions regarding the attributions and duration of each king's reign are reached. [Author]
Dimand, Maurice Sven
"Parthian and Sassanian Art" (1933)
Bulletin of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1933, vol. 28, no. 4, Part 1 (Apr 1933), p. 79-81.
Dimand, Maurice Sven & McAllister, H. E.
Near Eastern jewelry; a picture book (1944)
In: Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York, N.Y.) Picture books ; [no. 25]
New York: Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1944
Abstract: Three plates illustrate a buckle, a fibula and five earrings.
Dirven, L.
"[SEMEION], smy', signum. A note on the Romanization of the Semitic cultic standard" (2005)
Parthica, 2005, vol. 7
"Hatra, un exemple exceptionnel de l'art parthe" (2009)
In: Hatra, un patrimoine irakien en danger
Dossiers d'Archeologie, 2009, no. 334 (Jul-Aug), p. 46-55.
Abstract: "Les monuments de Hatra, ville préislamique située dans la steppe nord-mésopotamienne à environ 50 km à l’ouest de l’ancienne Assur et à environ 80 km au nord-ouest de la Mossoul d’aujourd’hui, sont considérés comme des exemples exceptionnels de l’art parthe. La combinaison d’architecture, de sculpture, d’inscriptions, de graffitis et d’objets nous offre un aperçu tout à fait hors du commun de la vie quotidienne dans une ville parthe du nord de la Mésopotamie pendant les trois premiers siècles ap. J.-C. La période parthe est une époque relativement mal connue de l’histoire de la Mésopotamie, et la documentation provenant de Hatra nous apporte des perspectives extraordinaires afin de mieux comprendre la société, la culture et la religion parthes." [Author]
Dobbins, Ed
"Hoard evidence aids attribution and chronology of Arsacid bronze drachms of Elymais" (1992)
The Celator, 1992, vol. 6, no. 8 (Aug), p. 42-45.
"Characene - two new dates" (1993)
Oriental Numismatic Society Newsletter, 1993, no. 137, p. 6.
"Inscribed statue of 'Weary Hercules' solves numismatic mystery in Characene" (1993)
The Celator, 1993, vol. 7, no. 1 (Jan), p. 32.
"The Countermarked Tetradrachms of Attambelos IV" (1995-1996)
American Journal of Numismatics, 1995, tome/ser. 2, vol. 7/8, p. 83-112.
Dobbins, K. Walton
"A Project in Museums: Ancient Coins" (1970)
Fulbright Newsletter, 1970, no. Summer, p. 11-17.
"The Question of the Hermaios Coinage" (1970)
East and West, 1970, tome/ser. New, vol. 20, no. 3-4, p. 307-326.
"Sanabares and the Gondophares Dynasty" (1971)
Numismatic Chronicle, 1971, tome/ser. 7, vol. 11, p. 135-142.
Abstract: The styles of the silver and copper coins of Sanabares with Arsacid types suggest that they were struck before the coins of Vologeses I. Pahlavi legends on the copper coins of Gondophares and the absence of Pahlavi on the copper coins of Sanabares suggest, since there is no convincing evidence that there was more than one king with these names, that Sanabares was the earlier of the two. Sanabares was the predecessor of Orthagnes and the contemporary of Phraataces.
"Mithradates II and his successors. A study of the Parthian crisis 90-70 B.C." (1974)
Antichthon, 1974, vol. 8, p. 63-79.
Abstract: Discussion of the Parthian "Dark Age".
"The successors of Mithradates II of Parthia" (1975)
Numismatic Chronicle, 1975, tome/ser. 7, vol. 15, p. 19-45.
Abstract: Discussion of the Parthian "Dark Age".
Parthian kings mentioned in inscriptions and literary sources are correlated with the various of coins from Mithradates II to Phraates III. The evidence is discussed under the headings of epigraphic and literary sources, tetradrachms, drachms, hoards, countermarked drachms and evidence from Susa, including overstruck bronze coins. [Author]
"Vonones, Maues and Hermaios : The imperial coinage of Mithradates II" (1980)
East and West, 1980, tome/ser. New, vol. 30, p. 31-53.
Dobiaš, J.
"Le premiers rapports des Romains avec les Parthes" (1931)
Archív Orientální, 1931, vol. 3, p. 215-256.
Abstract: Shows in detail the lack of fear of the Parthians by the Romans before Carrhae.
Doerner, F. K. and Goell, T.
Arsameia am Nymphaios (1963)
Berlin: 1963
Dollfus, G.
"La statuette d'époque parthe A.O. 1493 et les figurines apparentées du Musée du Louvre" (1968)
Revue d'assyriologie et d'archeologie orientale, vol. 62, p. 63-74.
Dorna-Matzger, Francesca
"Hellenistic and Parthian-Roman Pottery from the Upper Khabur Survey: A Preliminary Study" (1996)
In: Bartl, Karin & Hauser, Stefan R. (eds.), Continuity and Change in Northern Mesopotamia from the Hellenistic to the Early Islamic Period. Proceedings of a Colloquium held at the Seminar fur Vorderasiatische Altertumskunde, Freie Universitat Berlin, 6th-9th April, 1994
Berlin: Deitrich Reimer, 1996, p. 363-376.
"Funerary Buildings at Hatra" (1998)
In: Dabrowa, Edward, Ancient Iran and the mediterranean world. Proceedings of an international conference in honour of Professor Józef Wolski held at the Jagiellonian university, Cracow, in September 1996 (Electrum. Studies in Ancient History. 2.)
Dover, Kenneth James
Rome's relations with Parthia c 92 B.C.-c 230 A.D. (1981)
Newcastle upon Tyne: University of Newcastle upon Tyne, 1981, x+248 p.
Abstract: Thesis (M. Litt.)--University of Newcastle upon Tyne. 1981.
Bibliography - Page 16

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