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Bibliography Page 31

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Invernizzi, Antonio (continued)
"The Culture of Nisa between Steppe and Empire" (2007)
In: Cribb, Joe & Herrmann, Georgina (eds.), After Alexander: Central Asia Before Islam. Proceedings of the British Academy ; 133
London: Oxford University Press, 2007
"On the occasion of the 6oth anniversary of the discovery of the Nisa rhytons" (2008)
Parthica, 2008, vol. 10
"Nisa Partica. Le sculture ellenistiche" (2009)
In: Monografie di Mesopotamia - 9
Firenze: 2009
Invernizzi, Antonio & Koshelenko, Gennadij A.
"Soviet-Italian excavations in Old Nisa (season 1990)" (1990)
Mesopotamia, 1990, vol. 25, p. 37-45.
Abstract: Also seen as pp. 47-50.
Invernizzi, Antonio & Lippolis, Carlo
Nisa Partica : Ricerche nel complesso monumentale arsacide 1990-2006 (2008)
In: Monografie di Mesopotamia - 9
Firenze: Casa Editrice Le Lettere, 2008, xii+404 p.
Abstract: Il centro di Nisa Partica (nell’attuale Turkmenistan meridionale) venne fondato nella prima metà del II secolo a.C. dal fautore dell’impero arsacide Mitridate I (da cui l’antico nome della cittadella Mithradatkert, la fortezza di Mitridate) e fu destinato a divenire un grande sacrario dei re di questa dinastia. L’importanza di Nisa sta nel fatto che essa costituisce una delle prime fondazioni reali della cultura partica ed una delle meglio documentate, grazie a scavi che si susseguono oramai da oltre 70 anni. La produzione nisena illustra in maniera esemplare quelli che sono i caratteri tipici dell’arte e dell’architettura della corte dei primi sovrani partici e per un periodo storico cruciale per l’Asia Centrale: quando cioè, dopo la conquista di Alessandro Magno, si assiste al fiorire di civiltà e culture capaci di assorbire e fondere le tradizioni occidentale ed orientale, sempre elaborando nuove soluzioni artistiche che rimarranno per i secoli a venire.

La missione italiana, attiva dal 1990 nel settore centrale monumentale della cittadella, ha completato gli scavi sovietici del secondo dopoguerra nella Sala Rotonda uno degli edifici più sacrali dell’intero complesso e, adiacente ad essa, ha riportato alla luce una seconda fabbrica monumentale (anch’essa con una qualche destinazione cerimoniale), denominata Edificio Rosso per la sua caratteristica decorazione. In quest’ultimo settore sono emersi, al di sopra delle antiche strutture arsacidi, livelli medievali di un edificio piuttosto esteso.

I dati raccolti durante questi lavori, gli studi strutturali e le proposte ricostruttive degli edifici indagati, le missioni interdisciplinari di studio, analisi e documentazione sugli oggetti (statue in argilla cruda, ceramica, piccoli oggetti, rhyta etc…) condotte nei principali musei della capitale turkmena hanno prodotto una cospicua messe di dati - presentati in un volume ricco di illustrazioni e disegni- che permettono di tracciare un quadro complesso di Nisa: un centro altamente significativo per la nostra conoscenza della cultura partica nelle fasi della sua definizione ed affermazione nei territori dell’Asia Centrale, tra il II secolo a.C. e il I secolo d.C.

Con numerose illustrazioni in b/n. 37 tavole a colori, 7 piante in grande formato contenute in una cartellina allegata. [Publisher]
Invernizzi, Antonio & Venco Ricciardi, Roberta
"Séleucie et Ctésiphon, centres Parthe et Sassanide" (1999)
In: Boucharlat, Rémy (ed.), Empires Perses d'Alexandre aux Sassanides
Dossiers d'Archeologie, 1999, no. 243, p. 40-43.
Abstract: La cité grecque de Séleucie du Tigre joua un rôle fondamental dans la culture et l'économie parthes. On en connaît surtout un îlot d'habitation entier, le bâtiment des archives publiques avec plus de 30 000 bulles d'argile et un théâtre. Ctésiphon-Coche la remplacera au IIIe siècle.
Invernizzi, Antonio (ed.)
In the Land of the Gryphons: Papers on Central Asian Archaeology in Antiquity (1995)
In: Series: Monografie di Mesopotamia vol 5
Florence: Casa editrice italiana, 1995, 380 p.
Parthica : Incontri di culture nel mondo antico, vol. 1 (1999)
Istituti Editoriali e Poligrafici Internazionali, 1999, vol. 1
Abstract: Contributions in Italian, English, and French
7 - Foreword
9 - E. DABROWA, L'expédition de Démétrios II Nicator contre les Parthes (139-138 avant J.C.)
19 - B. GOLDMAN, Pictorial graffiti of Dura-Europos
107 - A. INVERNIZZI, Una amazzone di terracotta da Seleucia al Tigri
117 - R. VARDANIAN, La monetazione di bronzo elimea del II sec. d. C. Problemi di classificazione e datazione
135 - O. LECOMTE, Vehrkânâ and Dehistan: Late farming communities of South-West Turkmenistan from the Iron Age to the Islamic period
171 - M.R. MAGISTRO, Il grifone nell'arte dell'antica India
197 - Gli Autori di questo volume
Parthica : Incontri di culture nel mondo antico, vol. 2 (2000)
Istituti Editoriali e Poligrafici Internazionali, 2000, vol. 2
Abstract: Contributions in Italian, English, German and French
In Altera Parte Orientis -- Archaeological Research in Pre-Islamic Central Asia
11 - A. Invernizzi, Foreword
13 - A. Invernizzi, "The Square House at Old Nisa"
55 - T Mkrtycev, U. Treiner, "The Manufacturing Technique of the Rhytons from Old Nisa"
69 - V N. Pilipko, "On the Wall-Paintings from the Tower-Building of Old Nisa"
87 - G.A. Košelenko, A.G. Lašpin, S.V Novikov, "The Mansur-depe Excavations of 1986-1987"
125 - B.A. Litvinskij, "A Golden Ring with a Horseman Incised on its Turquoise"
131 - B.A. Litvinskij, "A Finial from the Temple of the Oxus in Bactria"
143 - J.L. Šccapova, "On the Material and Manufacturing Technique of the Finial from the Temple of the Oxus"
147 - K. Abdullaev, "A Coin from the Kashkadarya Valley with Representations of Zeus and Hercules"
153 - B.I. Maršak, "The Ceilings of the Varakhsha Palace"
171 - M. Bergmann, Die Strahlen der Herrscher (V. Messina)
172 - Ancient Iran and the Mediterranean World, ed. E. D?browa (C. Lippolis)
175 - Das Partherreich and seine Zeugnisse, Hrsg. J. Wiesehofer (C. Lippolis)
177 - Doura-Europos. Etudes IV 1991-1993 (A. Invernizzi)
180 - K.S. Freyberger, Die frühkaiserzeitlichen Heiligtümer der Karawanenstationen im hellenisierten Osten (C. Lippolis)
182 - A. Kose, Uruk. Architektur IV. Von den Seleukiden- bis zur Sasanidenzeit (C. Lippolis)
184 - D. Whitehouse, The Glass Vessels, Excavations at ed-Dur (M. Negro Ponzi)
186 - V. Sarianidi, Margiana and Protozoroastrism (A. Cellerino)
187 - B. Lyonnet, Prospections en Bactriane orientale, 2, Ceramique et peuplement (A. Cellerino)
189 - J.-C. Gardin, Prospections en Bactriane orientale, 3, Description des sites et synthèse (A. Bollati)
190 - S.N.C. Lieu, Manichaeism in Central Asia and China (E. Morano)
192 - P. Guenée, Bibliographie analytique des ouvrages sur l'art du Gandhara (A. Provenzali)
Parthica : Incontri di culture nel mondo antico, vol. 3 (2001)
Istituti Editoriali e Poligrafici Internazionali, 2001, vol. 3
Abstract: Contributions in Italian, English, German and French
9 - Vito Messina, "Presto saro' re". Seleuco IV come Helios sulle cretule da Seleucia al Tigri
25 - Ruben Vardanyan, Tendenze culturali e ideologiche nell'impero partico riflesse dalla monetazione
133 - Antonio Invernizzi, Arsacid Dynastic Art
159 - Paolo Mollo, Le sigillature di Nisa Vecchia
211 - Ted Kaizer, Nemesis Aglibol and Malakbel: a Note on a Relief from Khirbet Ramadan in the Palmyrene
221-251 Segnalazioni
Parthica : Incontri di culture nel mondo antico, vol. 4 (2002)
Istituti Editoriali e Poligrafici Internazionali, 2002, vol. 4
Abstract: Contributions in Italian, English, German and French
9 - A. Bader, V. Gaibov, A. Gubaev, G. Košelenko, A. Lapšin, S. Novikov, "Ricerche nel complesso del Tempio Rotondo a Nisa Vecchia"
47 - C. Lippolis, "Nisa-Mithradatkert: l'edificio a nord della Sala Rotonda. Rapporto preliminare delle campagne di scavo 2000-200"
63 - M. Negro Ponzi, "The glassware from Seleucia (Central Iraq)"
157 - A. Schmidt-Colinet, Kh. Al-As'Ad, "Archaeological news from Hellenistic Palmyra"
169 - Démons et merveilles d'Orient, a cura di R. Gyselen (A. Bollati)
170 - Petra - ez Zantur II. Ergebnisse der Schweizerisch-Liechtensteinschen Ausgrabungen. Teil 1, S.G. Schmidt, Die Feinkeramik der Nabatäer. Typologie, Chronologie und kulturhistorische Hintergründe, Teil 2, B. Kolb, Die spätantiken Wohnbauten von ez Zantur in Petra und der Wohnbau in Palästina vom 4.-6. Jh. n. Chr. (V. Messina)
171 - M. Novák, A. Oettel, C. Witzel, Der parthisch-römische Friedhof von Tall Sheik Hamad/Magdala, Teil I (C. Lippolis)
172 - M. Konrad, Der spätrömische Limes in Syrien. Archäologische Untersuchungen an den Grenzkastellen von Sura, Tetrapyrgium, Cholla und in Resafa (C. Lippolis)
174 - E. Winter, B. Dignas, Rom und das Perserreich. Zwei Weltmächte zwischen Konfrontation und
(C. Lippolis)
175 - E. Haerinck, The Tombs, Excavations at ed-Dur (Umm al-Qaiwain, United Arab Emirates) (V. Messina)
176 - P. Della Valle, In viaggio per l'Oriente. Le mummie, Babilonia, Persepoli (P. Callieri)
178 - W. Hoepfner (Hrsg.), Antike Bibliotheken (A. Invernizzi)
179 - A. Hoffmann, S. Kerner (Hrsg.), Gadara - Gerasa und die Dekapolis (A. Invernizzi)
181 - Chr. Baumer, Die südliche Seidenstraße. Inseln im Sandmeer. Versunkene Kulturen der Wüste Taklamakan (A. Invernizzi)
Parthica : Incontri di culture nel mondo antico, vol. 5 (2003)
Istituti Editoriali e Poligrafici Internazionali, 2003, vol. 5
Abstract: Contributions in Italian, English, German and French
9 - Žores Hacatrian, A. Z. Markarian, "I rhyta di Erebuni nel contesto dell'arte achemenide e greco-persiana"
21 - Vito Messina, "More gentis Parthicæ. Ritratti barbuti di Demetrio II sulle impronte di sigillo da Seleucia al Tigri"
37 - Boris A. Litvinskij, "Hellenistic Clay Portraits from the Temple of the Oxus"
63 - Antonio Invernizzi, "Isiac Themes at Seleucia-on-the-Tigris"
77 - Ariela Bollati, "Tyche sulle cretule da Seleucia al Tigri"
97 - Alessandra Cellerino, "Un recipiente in cristallo di rocca da Nisa Vecchia"
123 - Carlo Trossarelli, "Caratterizzazione del recipiente di Nisa mediante esami non distruttivi"
127 - Dieter Weber, "Notes on Some Parthian Names from Nisa"
131 - Niccolò Manassero, "Il vaso dipinto di Merv"
155 - Viktor N. Pilipko, Staraja Nisa – Osnovnye itogi arheologiceskogo izucenija v sovetskij period. (Carlo Lippolis)
167 - The Royal Palace Institution in the First Millennium BC – Regional Development and Cultural Interchange between East and West, ed. by I. Nielsen (Carlo Lippolis)
169 - Jochen Fornaisier, B. Böttger (Hrsg.), Das bosporanische Reich. Der Nordosten des Schwarzen
Meeres in der Antike
(Niccolò Manassero)
170 - R. S. Bianchi (ed.), B. Schlick-Nolte, G. M. Bernheimer, D. Barag, Reections on Ancient Glass from the Borowski Collection. Bible and Museum Jerusalem (Vito Messina)
Parthica : Incontri di culture nel mondo antico, vol. 6. Parthia and beyond. Cultural interconnections in the classical period. Papers in honour of Gennadij A. Koselenko (2004)
Istituti Editoriali e Poligrafici Internazionali, 2004, vol. 6
Abstract: Contributions in Italian, English, German and French
Parthia and beyond. Cultural interconnections in the classical period. Papers in honour of Gennadij A. Koselenko.
- Invernizzi, Antonio, Un saluto a Gennadij A. Koselenko
- Gaibov, Vassif (editor), G. A. Koselenko’s Bibliography
- Abdullaev, Kazim, New finds of Pre-Kushan and Early Kushan Plastic Art in Northern Bactria and the Khalchayan Reliefs
- Alram, Michael, The History of the Silk Road as Reflected in Coins
- Assar, Gholamreza F., Genealogy and Coinage of the Early Parthian Rulers, I
- Callieri, Pierfrancesco, Again on the Chronology of the Tall-e Takht at Pasargadae
- Cerasetti, Barbara & Tosi, Maurizio, Development of the 'open frontier' between Iran and Central Asia: the Murghab defensive systems in antiquity and the variants of the Silk Road across the Karakum
- Dabrowa, Edward, Les Seleucides et l’Elymaide
- Downey, Susan B., Zeus the Greatest in Syria
- Frye, Richard N., Parthians in the East
- Invernizzi, Antonio, Thoughts on Parthian Nisa
- Leriche, Pierre, La rue principale d’Europos-Doura: nouvelles Interpretations
- Lippolis, Carlo, Nisa-Mithradatkert: l’edificio a nord della Sala Rotonda. Rapporto preliminare delle campagne di scavo 2002-2003
- Martinez-Sève, Laurianne, Les figurines de Masjid-i Soleiman et les relations entre Suse et l’Elymaide
- Venco Ricciardi, Roberta, Immagini graffite dall’edificio A di Hatra
- Simpson, St. John, ‘Baubo’ at Merv
- Sommer, Michael, The Desert and the Sown. Imperial Supremacy and Local Culture in Partho-Roman Mesopotamia
- Weber, Dieter, The Coin Legend Tanlismaidates and Related Problems
- Tavole
- Gli autori di questo numero
Parthica : Incontri di culture nel mondo antico, vol. 7 (2005)
Istituti Editoriali e Poligrafici Internazionali, 2005, vol. 7
"A David Sellwood in occasione dei suoi 80 anni" (2006)
Parthica, 2006, vol. 8, p. 13-14.
Parthica : Incontri di culture nel mondo antico, vol. 8 (2006)
Istituti Editoriali e Poligrafici Internazionali, 2006, vol. 8
Abstract: Parthica : incontri di culture nel mondo antico (2006 - N. 8)
- Bernard Marvin Goldman 1922-2006
- Antonio Invernizzi, "A David Sellwood in occasione dei suoi 80 anni 13"
- Gholamreza F. Assar (ed.). "Bibliography of David Sellwood"
- Vito Messina, "Nike on the clay sealings from Seleucia on the Tigris"
- Gholamreza F. Assar, Morteza Ghassem Bagloo, "An Early Parthian 'Victory' Coin"
- Edward Dab̨rowa, "The Conquests of Mithridates I and the Numismatic Evidence"
- Alberto M. Simonetta, "Overstrikes, mules, modified dies and retouched coins in the Arsacid coinage : a discussion of their significance "
- Gholamreza F. Assar, "A Revised Parthian Chronology of the Period 91-55 bc 55"
- Ruben Vardanyan, "Some remarks on the arrangement of the Parthian ‘Dark Age’ coin series"
- Sylvia Winkelmann, "Waffen und Waffenträger auf partischen Münzen"
- Agnes Korn, "Parthian Month Names and Calendars"
- Jérôme Gaslain, Jean-Yves Maleuvre, "Auguste et les Arsacides, ou le prix des enseignes"
- Farhang Khademi Nadooshan, Faezeh Arkan, Ali Reza Arkan, Mohammad Saffari, "Scythian in Eastern Border of Parthia : A Numismatic Evidence"
- Gli autori di questo numero
Sulla via di Alessandro da Seleucia al Gandhara (Catalog of the exhibition, Palazzo Madama, Torino, 27 Feb to 27 May 2007) (2007)
Torino: Edizioni Silvana Editoriale, 2007
Abstract: Contents:
- Michael Alram, "L'Asia dopo Alessandro"
- Antonio Invernizzi, "Introduzione all'arte dell'Asia ellenizzata"
- Susan B. Downey, "L'Arte partica"
- Pierre Leriche, "Le città dell'Oriente ellenistico"
- Roberta Ricciardi Venco, "Le antiche città mesopotamiche in periodo ellenistico e partico"
- Gennadij A. Kos¡elenko, "Il commercio in età seleucide e partica"
- Vito Messina, "Seleucia al Tigri"
- Alberto Simonetta, "La monetazione di età seleucide e partica della zecca di Seleucia al Tigri"
- Ariela Bollati, "Le impronte di sigillo da Seleucia al Tigri e dalla Mesopotamia seleucide"
- Roberta Menegazz, "La coroplastica della Mesopotamia ellenizzata"
- Elisabetta Valtz, "La ceramica da Seleucia al Tigri e dalla Mesopotamia seleucide e partica"
- Alessandra Cellerino, "Vita quotidiana e usi funerari nella Mesopotamia seleucide e partica"
- Carlo Lippolis, "Nisa-Mitridatkert. Alle origini dell'Arte dei Parti"
- Paola Piacentini, "La tradizione iranica nel periodo partico"
- Anna Filigenzi, "L'Arte del Gandhãra"
- Anna Filigenzi, "L'Arte sacra di Butkara I"
Isaac, Benjamin
The Limits of Empire: The Roman Army in the East (1990)
Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1990
Abstract: 5 maps at end. See book review by D. Potter in The Bryn Mawr Classical Review.
Revised edition, 1992.
The Invention of Racism in Classical Antiquity (2004)
Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2004, xiv+563 p.
Abstract: See Chapter 8, Parthia/Persia (371-380),.
Review: Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2004.06.49 http://ccat.sas.upenn.edu/bmcr/2004/2004-06-49.html
Isidore of Charax
Parthian stations (1914)
In: Schoff, Wilfred H. (ed.), Parthian stations by Isidore of Charax; an account of the overland trade route between the Levant and India in the first century, B.C.; the Greek text, with a translation and commentary by Wilfred H. Schoff
London: 1914, 46 p.
Abstract: Greek and English translation on facing pages. Translation of the 1st century B.C. travel account. Ares 1976 reprint includes "With an appendix on The Ancient Coinage of the Parthians by Barclay V. Head."
J. Paul Getty Museum
Masterpieces of the J. Paul Getty Museum: Antiquities (1997)
Los Angeles: J. Paul Getty Museum, 1997, 127 p.
Abstract: In his review, David Gill (Classics and Ancient History, University of Wales Swansea) discusses many of the pieces selected for this publication which have unreliable provenances. Among these are a Parthian item:

"Another cameo glass piece, a 'Skyphos Showing a Young Satyr with a Syrinx before a Seated Woman' (84.AF.85) (p. 105) is 'said to have been one of a pair found in a Parthian tomb in Iran' (Glass of the Caesars no. 31). Clearly such a find spot would have been significant, but it is almost certainly worthless at least in archaeological terms." [David Gill]
The J. Paul Getty Museum handbook of the antiquities collection (2002)
Los Angeles: J. Paul Getty Museum, 2002, 127 p.
Jackson, A. W. W.
Zoroaster (1898)
New York: 1898, p. 152-7.
Jacobs, Bruno & Rollinger, Robert
"Die 'himmlischen Hande' der Gotter-Zu zwei neuen Datierungs-vorschlagen fur die kommagenischen Reliefstelen" (2005)
Parthica, 2005, vol. 7
Statuette eines Adligen aus der nördlichen Osroene (1999)
Istanbuler Mitteilungen, 1999, vol. 49, p. 431 ff.
Jacobsen, Anne & Mørkholm, Otto (eds.)
Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum. Palestine-Characene (1961)
In: Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum. Copenhagen. The royal collection of coins and medals, vol. 38
Classical Numismatic Group, 1961
Abstract: Later included in volume 7 of the reprinted SNG Copenhagen.
Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum. Copenhagen. Parthia-India (1965)
In: Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum. Copenhagen. The royal collection of coins and medals, vol. 39
Classical Numismatic Group, 1965
Abstract: Later included in volume 7 of the reprinted SNG Copenhagen. 250 coins are listed, and all are pictured on 7 beautiful folio-size plates. The book is a work of art itself, but Kroh [Reviews, 45] maintains that the text is now obsolete. Olson complains that the editors used modern Greek miniscule characters in place of the actual epigrams and made frequent reference to "barbarian letterforms". [Greek Letterforms, 1973, 39]. See review by G. K. Jenkins, Num Chron, ser. 7, vol. 10 (1970), pp. 321-323.
Jacoby, Felix
Die Fragmente der griechischen Historiker (F GR HIST) (1961-)
Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1961
Abstract: Note Erster Teil A, a: Photomechanischer Nachdruck des vermehrten Neudruckes von 1957."
Zweiter Teil A, B, C; dritter Teil A, a, B, b, C/1, C/2: "Photomechanischer Nachdruck", 1961-1969
Contents T.1. Genealogie und Mythographie.
--T.2. Zeitgeschichte.
--T.3. Geschichte von Vholkern und Sthadten (Horographie und Ethnographie)
Jäger, A.
"Stempelsprünge auf Arsakiden Münzen" (1955)
Numismatische Zeitschrift, 1955, vol. 19, p. 141-144.
Jäger, Ulf
Rhyta in premuslim Central Asia : Appearance, form and use: Libation in multi-religious contexts or simple drinkingvessels ? (2005)
In: Nikonorov, Valerii P. et al (eds.), Central Asia from the Achaemenids to the Timurids. Archaeology, History, Ethnology, Culture. Material of the International Scientific Conference dedicated to the Centenary of Aleksandr Markovich Belenitsky
St. Petersburg: Hermitage, 2005, 379 – 382 p.
Rhyta im präislamischen Zentralasien (4.-8.Jh.n.Chr.), Form und Funktion. Einfache Trinkgefässe oder Libationsgefässe in synkretistischen Religionssystemen (2006)
Iranica Antiqua, 2006, vol. 41, p. 187 – 220.
Birkenrinde der asiatisch-indischen 'Betula Bhojpattr' bzw. 'Betula Utilis' als Beschreibstoff im präislamischen Zentralasien: Ein wenig beachtetes Handelsgut auf den alten Seidenstrassen (2006)
Münstersche Beiträge zur antiken Handelsgeschichte, 2006, vol. XXV, no. 2, p. 183-194.
Abstract: Birch-bark of the asiatic-indian 'Betula Bhojpattr' or 'Betula Utilis' used as writing-material in pre-islamic Central Asia. A little regarded commodity on the ancient Silk Routes

Rarely noticed in a more comprehensive form, birch-bark of the asiatic-indian 'Betula Bhojpattr' or 'Betula Utilis' was used on the Silk Roads on Central Asia in pre-islamic times as writing-material in a much greater quantity than earlier thought by document-specialists; this especially in a geographical region between Merw (Margiana), Bamiyan/ Afghanistan and in the Tarim Basin of Xinjiang/ PR China especially for early buddhist texts, i.e. translations. Until now, the fact that documents were written on birch-bark was more or less seen as a certain curiosity. This article wants to show that birch-bark played a much more important role as writing-material than noticed until today. Birch-bark, as hopefully can be shown, was maybe also a commercial article, even if it was more or less a 'niche'-product which later vanished the markets on the Silk Roads because Chinese paper came to be used. The author tries to list up all known birch-bark-document fi nds until today known and tries to sum up the known facts about this writing-material so very important for early Buddhist texts on the Silk Roads of pre-islamic Central Asia.
Rhyta in pre-islamic Persia : Their origin and variety; their use; Greek influence on their construction after Alexander; major finds (In press)
In: Yarshater, Ehsan (ed.), Encyclopedia Iranica
Jakob-Rost, Liane; Wartke, Ralf-B. & Wesarg, Barthel
"Tell Owessat" (1983)
Sumer, 1983, vol. 39, p. 103-136.
James, Peter & Thorpe, Nick
Ancient Inventions (1994)
New York: Ballantine Books, 1994, xxiii+672 p.
Abstract: Parthian battery, pp 148-152.
Jarcho, Saul
Medical Numismatic Notes, VII. "Mithridates IV" (1972)
Bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine, 1972, vol. 48, no. 8, p. 1059-1064.
Abstract: A coin of Mithradates IV of Parthia is illustrated in a discussion of Mithradates VI of Pontus and mithradatic drugs.
Jenkins, G. Kenneth
"Notes on Seleucid Coins" (1951)
Numismatic Chronicle, 1951, tome/ser. 6, vol. 11, p. 1-21.
[Title?] (1955)
Journal of the Numismatic Society of India, 1955, p. 23-25.
Abstract: Part 2; contains information on the Mohmand Border hoard (IGCH 1859) which contained 400+ pieces, of which 20 were Orodes II drachms.
"The coin types of the Saka-Pahlava Kings of India" (1956)
Journal of the Numismatic Society of India, 1956, vol. 18, no. 2, p. 25.
Abstract: The name of the king read as Prahara; later revised to read Prahat by B. N. Mukherjee, "Coins of Prahat", Journal of the Numismatic Society of India, vol. 30 (1968), pp. 188-190 plate 2, nos. 1-3.
"Coins from the collection of C. J. Rich" (1964)
British Museum Quarterly, 1964, vol. 28, no. 3-4 (Autumn), p. 88-94.
Abstract: A brief description, with one plate of illustrations, of a coin collection now in the British Museum, formed by the East India Company's Resident in Bagdad during the early 19th century. Together with Roman and Islamic specimens, the collection consists of Greek coins including two hoards.... The second hoard comprised 2nd century A.D. coins of Characene but included with them a few Kushan specimens. (cf Noe 679). [Author]
"Suse sous les Seleucides et les Parthes by Georges Le Rider" (book review) (1966)
Numismatic Chronicle, 1966, tome/ser. 7, vol. 6, p. 347-350.
Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum. Part 39, Parthia-India (book review) (1970)
Numismatic Chronicle, 1970, tome/ser. 7, vol. 10, p. 321-323.
Jenkins, G. Kenneth & Narain, A. K.
The Coin Types of the Saka-Pahlava Kings of India (1957)
In: Notes and Monographs, 4
Journal of the Numismatic Society of India, 1957
Jettmar, Karl
Art of the Steppes [Transl. by Ann E. Keep] (1967)
New York: Crown, 1967, 272 p.
Abstract: There is one plate of a Parthian coin.

"The fabulous golden treasures from the ancient burial-grounds of southern Russia and Siberia have captivated man's imagination since they were discovered early in the eighteenth century. Today we know that they were the work of Scythians, Sarmatians and other peoples who roamed the steppes between the sixth century B.C. and the early Christian Era. Some of these tribes were mentioned by the Greek historian Herodotus. Recent excavations, especially those carried out by Soviet archeologists since 1945, have greatly enlarged our knowledge of these peoples — of their way of life, and, above all, of their rich art in "animal style." Graves buried for thousands of years beneath the ice of the Altai Mountains have at last revealed their secrets, and the material they have yielded can compare with the rich Imperial collections in the Hermitage Museum at Leningrad.

"New light has been thrown upon the fruitful contacts between these fierce nomadic horsemen and neighboring settled peoples: Chinese in the west, Persians in the south, Greeks in the west. Professor Jettmar's scholarly yet lively narrative leads us in the footsteps of the robbers who looted these graves and of the first scientific explorers. He describes closely the works they found: jewelry in gold and bronze, precious silks, weapons, and horses' harness; and he puts forward some intriguing ideas about the significance of this art for later developments in eastern Europe and Asia."
Jha, Amal Kumar (ed.)
Coinage, Trade & Economy (3rd International Colloquium) (1991)
1991, 236 p.
Abstract: 27 papers by a who's who of Indian and Western scholars on the use of coinage within and between India and other places. Parthia, Tribal, Kuninda, Malava, Vanga, Satavhana, Silaharas, Maratha, Vijayanagar, Bihar, Ahom, Punjab; 6 papers on Indo-Roman trade, Mitchiner (5 plates), Wicks & Hall on S.E.Asian symbolic coinage, Ivotchinka on Chinese paper.
Johnson, Charles M. et al (eds.)
Ancient and Medieval Coins: Selections from The Numismatist (1960)
Racine: Whitman Publishing Co., 1960, 318 p.
Abstract: A compilation of 48 short articles (all in English) by some very good writers, and aimed at beginning collectors and those not familiar with the series. Copious illustrations throughout. Among many others, includes articles on:
Art History in Persian and Phoenician Coinage
Notes on the Drachms of Parthia
Persian Coins
Johnson, Jotham
Dura studies (1932)
Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania, 1932, 47 p.
Abstract: The Dura horoscope and the Seleucid calendar.--The hereditary strategos.--A revision of parchment II. An edition also seen from Roma, Tip. ditta f.lli Pallotta, 1931.
Johnstone, Charles
The history of Arsaces (1774)
In: The Flowering of the novel
London: T. Becket, 1774, viii+278 p.
Jommelli, Niccolo (comp.) & Verazi, Mattia (libretto)
Il Vologeso (1766)
Abstract: "Il Vologeso" is an opera by Niccolò Jommelli (1714 - 1774). Concerns Vologeses, the defeated fugitive king of Parthia, his beloved, the beautiful and faithful Berenice, and the jealous machinations of Lucius Verus, the Roman general who has conquered the Parthians.

The opera premiere was 11 Feb 1766 in Ludwigsburg.
Bibliography - Page 31

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