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Bibliography Page 35

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Koshelenko, Gennadij A.; Lapshin, A. G. & Novikov, S.
"The Mansur-depe Excavations of 1986-1987" (2000)
Parthica, 2000, vol. 2, p. 87-124.
Kouymjian, Dickran K. (ed.)
Near Eastern Numismatics, Iconography, Epigraphy, and History: Studies in Honor of George C. Miles (1974)
Beirut: American University of Beirut, 1974, xxv+478 p.
Kramer, Norbert
"Das Itinerar Stathmoi Parthikoi des Isidor von Charax - Beschreibung eines Handelsweges?" (2003)
Klio, 2003, vol. 85, p. 120-130.
Krasheninnikova, N. I.
"K voprosu vzaimosviazi 'Kruglogo Khrama' s tak nazyvaimoi 'Bashnei' Staroi Nisy" [On the interrelationship of the 'Round Temple' and the so-called 'Tower' of Staraia (Old) Nisa] (1960)
In: Izvestiya Akad. Nauk Turkmenskoi SSR, Seriia obshchestvennykh nauk 1960.4
1960, vol. 1960.4
Krasheninnikova, N. I. & Pugachenkova, G. A.
"Kruglyi Kharm parfianskoi Nisy" [The Round Temple of Parthian Nisa] (1964)
Sovetskaia arkheologiia, 1964, vol. 1964.4
Krasnowolska, A. (ed.)
Cracow Iranian Studies in Memory of W. Dulęba (1996)
Kraków: 1996
Abstract: See review: Olbrycht, M. J., Folia Orientalia 34 (1998), 217-222 (in English).
Krause, Johann Heinrich
Plotina, oder die Kostüme Des Haupthaares bei den Völkern der alten Welt : mit Berücksichtigung einiger Kostüme neuerer Völker in kosmetischer, ästhetischer und artistischer Beziehung (1858)
Leipzig: Dyk, 1858, 270 p.
Kricheldorf, H. H. & Käss, W.
"Blei-Tetradrachmen Tiraios' II. Soter Euergetes aus der Charakene" (1968)
Berichte de Munzen- und Medaillensammler, 1968, vol. 8, no. 45, p. 455-457.
Krishnamurthy, R.
Non-Roman Ancient Foreign Coins from Karur in India (2000)
In: Non-Roman Ancient Foreign Coins from Karur in India
Chennai, India: Garnet Publishers, 2000, 145 p.
Abstract: The book deals with ancient foreign coins found in Amaravathi river bed [Karur] Tamil Nadu, India. See "Parthian coins from Karur" (Chapter 6). A review by Michael Mitchiner appears at http://www.onsnumis.org/news/Krishnamurthy.shtml
Kroh, Dennis J.
"The coins of the Parthian and Sasanian kingdoms" (1991)
The Celator, 1991, vol. 5, no. 11 (Nov), p. 40ff.
Abstract: Reviews reference works on Parthian and Sasanian coinage.
Ancient Coin Reference Reviews (1993)
Ormond Beach, FL: Empire Coins, 1993, 1 ed., 107 p.
Abstract: Over 100 pages listing hundreds of specialized and general references covering ancient Greek, Roman and Byzantine coins, including all utilized as standard works today. Arranged by 35 different topics, each book or article is rated according to their usefulness, clarity, illustrations, and availability (utilizing a five-star system similar to that used for movies) with an outline of the essential information it contains. Availability and accurate prices based on current market values are also given, and there is also a thorough index. The reviewed books on Parthian coins are:

Shore, Parthian Coins and History, Ten Dragons Against Rome (*****)
Sellwood, An Introduction to the Coinage of Parthia (*****)
Sear, Greek Coins & their Values, Volume 2 (**)
Gardner, The Parthian Coinage (*)
Wroth, BMC Parthia (**)
Petrowicz, Arsaciden-Munzen (***)
Ars Classica XII (***½)
SNG Copenhagen (**)
Mitchiner, Oriental Coins and their Values, The Ancient and Classical World (****)
Mitchiner, Indo-Greek and Indo-Scythian Coinage, Volume 5 (**)
de Morgan, Manuel de Numismatique Orientale de l'Antiquite et du Moyen Age (½*)
Kropotkin, Vladislav V.
Klady rimskikh monet na territorii SSSR (1961)
In: Arkheologiia SSSR, G4/4
Moscow: Izd-vo Akademii nauk SSSR, 1961
Krzyzanowska, Aleksandra
Monety z piaskow Palmyry [Coins from the sands of Palymra] (1975)
Biuletyn Numizmatyczny, 1975, no. 7, p. 121-127.
Abstract: Coins of Syrian Palmyra in the Imperial period were carelessly struck in bronze. Their weight corresponds to that of bronze Parthian coins. They bear no inscriptions, but representations connected with local cults. [Maria Meclewska]
Kudlek, Manfred & Mickler, Erich H.
Solar and lunar eclipses of the ancient Near East from 3000 B.C. to 0 with maps (1971)
Butzon & Bercker Kevelaer, 1971
Kuhrt, Amélie
"Concluding Remarks" (1996)
In: Wiesehöfer, Josef (ed.), Das Partherreich und seine Zeugnisse - The Arsacid Empire : Sources and Documentation. Beiträge des Internationalen Colloquiums, Eutin (27.-30. Juni 1996). Historia-Einzelschriften, 122
Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag, 1998, p. 529-534.
Kuhrt, Amélie & Sherwin-White, Susan (eds.)
Hellenism in The East. The Interaction of Greek and non-Greek Civilizations from Syria to Central Asia after Alexander (1987)
Berkeley: University of California Press, 1987
Abstract: Title also seen referenced as Hellenism in the East: The interaction of Greek and non-Greek civilizations from Syria to Central Asia after Alexander
Kurkjian, Vahan M.
A history of Armenia (1958)
New York: Armenian General Benevolent Union, 1958
Kurz, Otto
"Cultural Relations between Parthia and Rome" (1983)
In: Yarshater, Ehsan (ed.), The Cambridge History of Iran. The Seleucid, Parthian and Sasanian Periods, vol. 3, part 1
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1983, p. 559-567.
Kyllo, M. A. & Hubbard, R.N.L.B.
"Median and Parthian Plant Remains from Tepe Nush-i Jan" (1981)
Iran, 1981, vol. 19, p. 91-100.
La Vallée Poussin, Louis de
L'Inde aux temps des Mauryas et des barbares, Grecs, Scythes, Parthes et Yue-tchi (1930)
In: Histoire du monde, vol. 6
Paris: E. de Boccard, 1930, 376 p.
Lagoy, M. le Marquis de
"Mélange de quelques rnédailles arsacides et gauloises" (1855)
Revue Numismatique, 1855, p. 326-335.
Lambert, Jacques N.
Aspects de la civilisation à l'âge du fratriarcat : études d'histoire jurridique et religieuse comparée (1958)
In: Bibliothèque de la Faculté de Droit et des Sciences Economiques de l'Université d'Alger, vol. 28
Algiers: Charry, 1958
Lançon, Bertrand
Le Complot des Parthiques (2006)
In: Series: Les enquêtes de Festus n°001
2006, 258 p.
Abstract: Nous sommes en l'an 373. Recruté comme adjuteur à la Préfecture urbaine de Rome, Festus doit faire face à une série de crimes perpétrés selon un même rite : globes oculaires évidés, langue coupée, qui semblent impliquer des médecins publics de la ville de Rome et notamment un proche qu'il estime profondément. Cette enquête s'avère riche en rebondissements et lourde en révélations pour notre héros qui va s'apercevoir que même son entourage familial n'est pas complètement "blanc". Premier volet d'une série d'enquêtes par l'historien Bertrand Lançon. [Publisher]
Landskron, Alice
Parther und Sasaniden, Das Bild der Orientalen in der Römischen Kaiserzeit (2005)
Vienna: Phoibos Verlag, 2005, 226 p.
Lane-Poole, Stanley (ed.)
Coins and medals; their place in history and art, by the authors of the British Museum official catalogues (1894)
London: E. Stock, 1894, 3 ed., x+286 p.
Abstract: A 1894 reissue with new typesetting, of the 1885 edition. Essays on the ancient coins of Europe and Asia by the editors of the famed British Museum catalogues of coins. Excellent intro in one handy volume to the following coins: Ancient Greek, Roman, Indian, Japanese, Chinese, Mohammedan, Phoenician, Parthian, Judaean, Sassanian, Nabataean, Early English and the coinage of Christian Europe plus a chapter on medals:
-- Study of coins, by R.S. Poole.
-- Greek coins, by B.V. Head.
-- Roman coins, by H.A.G. Grueber.
-- The coinage of Christian Europe, by C.F. Keary.
-- English coins, by C.F. Keary.
-- Early oriental coins, by P. Gardner.
-- Mohammadan coins, by S. Lane-Poole.
-- Coins of India, ancient, by E.J. Rapson.
-- Mohammadan, by S. Lane-Poole.
-- Coins of China and Japan, by Terrien de la Couperie.
-- Medals, by W. Wroth
Lang, David M.
Studies in the numismatic history of Georgia in Transcaucasia, based on the collection of the American Numismatic Society (1955)
In: Numismatic Notes and Monographs, No. 130
New York: American Numismatic Society, 138 p.
Abstract: Covers over 2000 years of monetary history. Includes a good bibliography
"Iran, Armenia and Georgia" (1983)
In: Yarshater, Ehsan (ed.), The Cambridge History of Iran. The Seleucid, Parthian and Sasanian Periods, vol. 3, part 1
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1983, p. 505-536.
"Armazi" (1986)
In: Encyclopaedia Iranica 11/4
1986, p. 416-417.
Langdon, S.
"Sassanian and Parthian Remains in Central Mesopotamia" (1934)
In: Langdon, S. & Harden, D. B., "Excavations at Kish and Barghuthiat, 1933"
Iraq, 1934, vol. 1 Part 2, p. 1-136.
Lange, Otto
"Characene, ein hellenistisches Konigreich am Persischen Golf" (1980)
Berichte de Munzen- und Medaillensammler, 1980, vol. 20, no. 115, p. 1077-1086.
Langlois, Victor
Numismatique de l'Arménie dans l'antiquité (1859)
Paris: Bibliothèque Historique Arménienne, 1859, xx+87 p.
Essai de classification des suites monétaires de la Géorgie, depuis l'antiquité jusqu'à nos jours (1860)
Paris: Imprimerie impériale, 1860, 139 p.
Lettre à M. R. Chalon sur des médaille, inédites ou peu connues des dynastes de la Mésène... (1862)
In: Rev. Belge t. VI, 3d. ser
Revue Belge de Numismatique et de Sigillographie, 1862, tome/ser. 3, vol. 6, p. 20.
Langnas, Bob
"An Introduction to Parthian Silver Fractions, the Little Anomalies of Arsacid Coinage" (2018)
KOINON, 2018, vol. 1, no. 1, p. 104-140.
Abstract: The author analyzes a typology of fractional Parthian coins that seldom catch the attention of scholars: the hemidrachms, diobols and obols that are much less common than drachms and tetradrachms.
"An Unusual Portrait on a Drachm Attributed to Kamnaskires V" (2024)
KOINON, 2024, vol. 7, p. 179-192.
Abstract: The author discusses the unusual features of an Elymaean drachm that appeared on the market in 2023. In addition to contrasting the coin’s atypical obverse portrait with the standard representation of Kamnaskires V on that king’s emissions, he explores some theories that might account for the die engraver’s deviation from the usual depiction.
Laroche, Lucienne
Monuments of Civilization : The Middle East (1974)
In: Monuments of civilization
New York: Grosset & Dunlap, 1974, 190 p.
Abstract: Translation of Dai Sumeri ai Sassanidi. A superb large book cataloging monuments found in the Middle East and their historical significance. Colour photographs and diagrams.
Moyen-Orient (1979)
P. Nathan, 1979, 190 p.
Abstract: Illustré par plus de 100 reproductions photographiques en couleurs, presque toutes à pleine page.
Latham, R. G.
"On the Date and Personality of Priyadarsi" (1859)
London: Royal Asiatic Society, 1860, no. Art. XI, 13 p.
Abstract: Read 3rd December 1859. The paper concludes that the Priyadarsi of the Indian edicts is Phraates I, who was a Buddhist.
Laude, Maximilien-Grégory
"La politique des rois d'Edesse, entre Rome et les Parthes" (2003)
In: Dabrowa, Edward (ed.), The Roman Near East and Armenia
Krakow: Jagiellonian University Press, 2003, 143 p.
Laufenberg, Wilhelm
Qvaestiones chronologicae de rebvs parthicis armeniisqve a Tacito in libris XI-XVI Ab exc D. Avg. enarratis .... (1875)
Bonn: Formis C. Georgi, 1875, 59 p.
Lavoisne, C. V.
"Genealological, Historical and Chronological Map of the Parthians afterwards known as the Persians" (1820)
In: A complete genealogical, historical, chronological, and geographical atlas; being a general guide to history, both ancient and modern: exhibiting an accurate account of the origin, descent, and marriages of all the royal families....
Philadelphia: M. Carey, 1820
Abstract: Full title: A complete genealogical, historical, chronological, and geographical atlas; being a general guide to history, both ancient and modern: exhibiting an accurate account of the origin, descent, and marriages of all the royal families, from the beginning of the world: together with the various possessions, foreign wars, battles of renown and remarkable events, to the battle of Waterloo, and general peace of 1815; according to the plan of Le Sage [pseud.] greatly improved. The whole forming a complete system of history and geography. By M. Lavoisne. From the last London edition, improved by C. Gros and J. Aspin. Second American edition, carefully revised and corrected. Enlarged by the addition of several new maps of American history and geography, which are brought down to the beginning of the year 1820.
Lawergren, B.
"Parthian Empire" (2001)
In: Sadie, S. & Tyrrell, J. (eds.), The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians
London: New Grove, 2001, p. 172-173.
Layard, A. H.
Nineveh and its Remains: With an account of a visit to the Chaldaean Christians of Kurdistan, and the Yezidis, or Devil-Worshippers; And an inquiry into the manners and arts of the ancient Assyrians (1849)
New York: 1849, 2 ed., viii+326 p.
Abstract: Sir Austen Henry Layard (1817-1894), British author and diplomatist, the excavator of Nineveh.
Lazard, Gilbert
"Les modes de la virtualité en moyen-iranien occidental" (1984)
In: Skalmowski, W. & van Tongerloo, A. (eds.), Middle Iranian studies : proceedings of the International Symposium organized by the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven from the 17th to the 20th of May 1982
Leuven: Peeters Presse, 1984, p. 1-13.
"La métrique de la poésie parthe" (1985)
In: Acta Iranica 25
1985, p. 371-399.
"La versification d’un poème pehlevi" (2001)
In: Sadeghi, Ali Ashraf (ed.), Tafazzoli Memorial Volume
Téhéran: 2001
Abstract: See review: Charles-Henri de Fouchécour, Abstracta Iranica [En ligne], Volume 26, mis en ligne le : 15 décembre 2005. http://abstractairanica.revues.org/document1943.html
"Qu’est-ce que le pehlevi?" (2003)
In: Âtaš-e Darun / The Fire Within, Jamshid Soroush Soroushian Memorial Volume II
Bloomington: 1st Books Library, 2003, p. 269-274.
Abstract: Un long parcours de recherche et de publications porte Gilbert Lazard à préciser à nouveau ce que fut le pehlevi, langue moyen-perse, idiome parlé aussi bien que langue officielle et religieuse des Sassanides. Le but de l’article est de situer le pehlevi entre le parthe et ses dialectes, le moyen-perse et ses variantes, et le perse de cour. Insistance est mise en particulier sur le phénomène de l’hétérographie, répandu en Orient et propre aussi au pehlevi : on écrit les mots perses les plus courants dans leurs correspondants en araméen qu’on lit en perse. L’A. reprend en synthèse ce qu’il établit dans ses études précédentes sur la complexité du phénomène du pehlevi, sa réalité socio-linguistique, son évolution et ses dénominations, sa place en particulier par rapport au persan darī. Ce qui amène à définir à nouveau ce qu’est celui-ci. Un vrai cours magistral qui ouvre, en conclusion, sur la suite historique de ce moyen-perse du sud de l’Iran, le persan littéraire, qui « n’est pas fondamentalement différent de la langue parlée qui servait de substrat au pehlevi écrit. Elle ne s’en écarte que dans la mesure où elle représente une autre variété dialectale de la même langue » (p. 273). Bien des phrases de cet article très dense pourraient constituer des têtes de chapitre à développer. [Charles-Henri de Fouchécour, Abstracta Iranica [En ligne], Volume 26, mis en ligne le : 8 décembre 2005. http://abstractairanica.revues.org/document3550.html]
"La versification d’un hymne manichéen en parthe" (2003)
In: Cereti, Carlo G.; Maggi, M. & Provasi, Elio A. (eds.), Religious Themes and Texts of pre-Islamic Iran and Central Asia. Studies in honour of Professor Gherardo Gnoli on the occasion of his 65th birthday on 6th December 2002 (Beiträge zur Iranistik, 24).
Reichert, 2003
Abstract: See review: Charles-Henri de Fouchécour, Abstracta Iranica [En ligne], Volume 26, mis en ligne le : 7 décembre 2005. http://abstractairanica.revues.org/document1924.html
Lazarus, Felix
Die Haupter der Vertriebenen. Beitrage zu einer Geschichte der Exilfuhrsten in Babylonien unter den Arsakiden und Sassaniden. Nebst meist unbenutzten Quellen mit einer nach Handschriften und altesten Drucken bearbeiteten (1890)
In: Separatabdruck aus Jahrbucher f. judische Geschichte und Litteratur, bd. X
Frankfurt: H. L. Bronner, 1890, viii+182 p.
Abstract: Die Haupter der Vertriebenen. Beitrage zu einer Geschichte der Exilfuhrsten in Babylonien unter den Arsakiden und Sassaniden. Nebst meist unbenutzten Quellen mit einer nach Handschriften und altesten Drucken bearbeiteten
Le Coq, A. V.
"Köktürkisches aus Turfan" (1909)
Sitzungsberichte der preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 1909, p. 1047-1061.
Le Rider, Georges
"Monnaies de Characène" (1959)
Syria, 1959, vol. 36, no. Fasc. 3-4, p. 231-253.
Abstract: The notes to this article provide a good bibliography of previous studies.

See also Schweizer Münzblatter, vol. 38, 1960, p. 57 and Hamburger Beitrage zur Numismatik vol. 5, 15, 1961, pp. 133-134 (W. Schwabacher)
Bibliography - Page 35

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