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Bibliography Page 47

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Panaino, Antonio (continued)
"Strategies of Manichaean Religious Propaganda" (2004)
In: Durkin-Meisterernst, Desmond; Raschmann, Simone-Christiane; Wilkens, Jens; Yaldiz, Marianne & Zieme, Peter (eds.), Turfan Revisited - The First Century of Research into the Arts and Cultures of the Silk Road; in Monographien zur Indischen Archäologie, Kunst und Philologie - Band 17
Berlin: Dietrich Reimer, 2004, p. 249-256.
Pape, W.
Wörterbuch der griechischen Eigennamen nebst einer Übersicht über die Bildung der Personennamen (1842)
Braunschweig: 1842
Abstract: Dictionary of Greek names together with an outline of the formation of the family names.
Pappalardo, Eleonora
"The rhyton no. 52 from Old Nisa. An interpretative proposal" (2008)
Parthica, 2008, vol. 10
Pareti, Luigi
The ancient world; 1200 BC to AD 500, by Luigi Pareti, assisted by Paolo Brezzi and Luciano Petech. Translated from the Italian by Guy E. F. Chilver and Sylvia Chilver (1965)
In: 3 volumes ; Series: History of mankind; cultural and scientific development ; v. 2
New York: Harper & Row, 1965
Park, Paul
The Gospel of Corax (1996)
New York: Soho Press, 1996, 297 p.
Abstract: Novel. Fiction. See review: Colleen McCullough, "Out of Nazareth", NY Times, July 14, 1996, Late Edition - Final , Section 7 , Column 1 , Page 15.
Excerpt: "Bound together by ill luck as much as necessity, the two embark upon an odyssey that takes them through Mesopotamia, across the mountains to Media and eastward to Parthia, Arachosia (now Afghanistan) and the Indus River. Along the way they encounter Parthian aristocrats, Jewish bandits, the people of the Tigris swamps, caravans plying the Silk Road, the barbarian Massagetae, the far more barbarous Huns, a Serican (Chinese) or two and the descendants of those Macedonian troops Alexander the Great left behind to colonize the upper Indus. " [NY Times]
Parker, Richard A. & Dubberstein, Waldo H.
Babylonian chronology 626 B. C. - A. D. 75 (1956)
In: Brown University studies, v. 19
Brown University, 1956
Abstract: The three letters (or form-letters) 15, 115, and 196 (whose copies were given by A.T. Clay in YOS, Babylonian Texts, vol. III, 1919 and transliterated and translated by E. Ebeling, Neubabylonische Briefe aus Uruk, Berlin 1930-1934) are discussed at length here on pp. 1-2, and also by S. Parpola,
Kings Esarhaddon and Assurbanipal, Vol. II, p. 504.
Parlasca, K.
"Hellenistische und parthische Statuetten in Mesopotamien. Zur Problematik ihrer Typologie und Chronologie" (1988)
In: Akten des XIII. Internationalen Kongresses für Klassische Archäologie Berlin 1988. Mainz: von Zabern. (Deutsches Archäologisches Institut)
p. 329-330.
"Chronolegische probleme der hellenistischen und partischen statuetten in Mesopotamien" (1993)
In: Invernizzi, Antonio & Salles, Jean-François (eds.), Arabia antiqua : Hellenistic centres around Arabia. Serie orientale Roma ; vol. 70, pt. 2
Rome: Istituto italiano per il Medio ed Estremo Oriente, 1993, p. 329-330.
Parpola, Simo
Letters from Assyrian scholars to the kings Esarhaddon and Assurbanipal, Vol. 2 (1983)
In: Alter Orient und Altes Testament, Bd. 5
Neukirchen-Vluyn: Kevelaer, Butzon & Bercker, 1983
Abstract: Romanized Assyro-Babylonian and English.

The three letters (or form-letters) 15, 115, and 196 (whose copies were given by A.T. Clay in YOS, Babylonian Texts, vol. III, 1919 and transliterated and translated by E. Ebeling, Neubabylonische Briefe aus Uruk, Berlin 1930-1934) are discussed at length here on p. 504, and also by R.A. Parker and W.H. Dubberstein, Babylonian chronology 626 B. C. - A. D. 75, pp. 1-2.
Parsons, P.
ΦΙΛΛΗΝ (1996)
In: MH 53 (Museum Helveticum?)
1996, p. 106-115.
Paruck, Furdoonjee D. J.
"Novelties in Parthian Coins" (1918)
Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, 1918, vol. 14, no. 5, p. 372-378.
Abstract: Brief summary of standard works on Parthian coins. Also discusses unpublished drachms of Phraates IV and Mithradates IV.
"Parthian numismatics" (1919)
The Turtle, 1967, vol. 6, no. 6, p. 165-190.
Abstract: This is a reprint of the the pamphlet published in Bombat, 1919. It may also be the same as an article in Sanj Vartaman 'Parsi New Year Number', 11 Sep 1919, Bombay, 8 pp.
The Turtle may also be referenced as The North American Journal of Numismatics.
Pasmans, Patrick
"Metrologische problemen bij de Parthische zilveren muntslag" [Metrologic problems relating to the Parthian silver coinage, in Dutch] (2003)
Revue Belge de Numismatique et de Sigillographie, 2003, vol. 149, p. 306.
Abstract: Synthesis of a study by P. Pasmans from a lecture in the Bibliothèque royale de Belgique on January 18, 2003.
"De munten van de Parthische koningin Musa" (2005)
De Muntklapper, 2005, vol. 45, no. Jan-Mar, p. 1-5.
Abstract: De Muntklapper is the periodical of the 'Europees Genootschap voor Munt- en Penningkunde' (Belgium)
"De muntslag van de Parthische koning Mithradates II" (2006)
De Muntmeester, 2006, vol. 1, no. 1, p. 7-12.
Abstract: De Muntmeester is the periodical of the Diestse studiekring voor numismatiek (Belgium)
Pasmans, Patrick (ed.)
De Muntmeester (2006)
Diestse studiekring voor numismatiek, 2006
Abstract: De Muntmeester is the periodical of the numismatic society Diestse studiekring voor numismatiek. Publication commenced in March 2006.

This Flemish numismatic society is located in Diest, one of the four Orange Cities, to promote numismatic study. The society organizes numismatic courses, lectures and coin auctions for its members.
Pászthory, Emmerich
"Stromerzeugung oder Magie: Die Analyse einer aussergewöhnlichen Fundgruppe aus dem Zweistromland" (1985)
Antike Welt, 1985, vol. 16, no. 1, p. 3-12.
Abstract: Parthian 'wet cells'?
"Electricity: Generation or magic? The analysis of an unusual group of finds from Mesopotamia" (1989)
In: Fleming, Stuart J. & Schenck, Helen R. (eds.), History of technology : the role of metals. MASCA research papers in science and archaeology ; v. 6.
University of Pennsylvania: 1989, p. 31-38.
Abstract: Discusses the magical meaning of metals at that time and suggests these objects, including the so-called "Parthian Batteries", were containers for blessings/incantations written on organic material (thus the papyrus in the Selecuia examples). Based in large part on Pászthory's article in German published in Antike Welt 16(1) (1985), pp. 3-12.
Payne, Robert
"The Parthians" (1957)
In: The Splendor of Persia; illustrated with line decorations by Leonard Everett Fisher and with photos
New York: Knopf, 1957
Abstract: Excerpt available on-line. Other chapters also excerpted.
Pazhwak, Rahman
Aryana Ancient Afghanistan (1947)
England: Key Press, 1947, 144 p.
Peck, E. H.
"Belts. ii/in the Parthian and Sasanian periods" (1990)
In: Encyclopædia Iranica IV
Costa Mesa, CA: Mazda, 1990
Pedde, Friedhelm
"Seleukidische und parthische Zeit" (1995)
In: Boehmer, Rainer Michael; Pedde, Friedhelm; & Salje, B., Uruk. Die Gräber. Ausgrabungen Uruk-Warka Endberichte 10
1995, p. 140-199.
"Parthische Gräber: Friedhof oder Hausbestattungen?" (1995)
In: Dittmann, Reinhard; Finkbeiner, Uwe; & Hauptmann, Harald (eds.), Beiträge zur Kulturgeschichte Vorderasiens. Festschrift für Rainer Michael Boehmer
Mainz am Rhein: Philipp von Zabern, 1995, p. 537-544.
"Einige Bemerkungen zu den Bestattungen der seleukidischen und parthischen Zeit in Babylonien" (1999)
In: Kühne, Hartmut; Bernbeck, Reinhard; & Bartl, Karin (eds.), Fluchtpunkt Uruk. Archäologische Einheit aus methodischer Vielfalt. Schriften für Hans Jörg Nissen. Internationale Archäologie: Studia honoraria, Bd. 6
Leidorf: Rahden/Westf., 1999, p. 269-271.
Peiser, Felix Ernst
Texte Juristischen und Geschaftlichen Inhalts (1896)
In: Schrader, Eberhard (ed.), Sammlung von assyrischen und babylonischen Texten in Umschrift und Übersetzung. Keilinschriftliche Bibliothek. Band IV.
Berlin: Reuther & Reichard, 1896, 323 p.
Abstract: Altbabylonische Urkunden; Sogenannte Kappadokische Urkunden; Babylonische Urkunden aus der Dritten Dynastie; Babylonische Urkunden aus der vierten Dynastie; Babylonische Urkunden aus der sechsten Dynastie; Babylonische Urkunden aus der achten Dynastie; Assyrische Urkunden; Babylonische Urkunden aus der neunten Dynastie; Babylonische Urkunden aus der Zeit des Neubabylonischen Reiches; Aus der Zeit der Persischen Könige; Aus des Zeit der Macedonier; Aus der Zeit der Arsaciden.
Penn, R. G.
Medicine on ancient Greek and Roman coins (1994)
London: Seaby's Numismatic Publications, 1994, vi+186 p.
Pennacchietti, Fabrizio Angelo
"La bilingue greco-partica sull'Eracle da Seleucia (Iraq)" (1984)
In: Linguistica e filologia : atti del VII Convegno internazionale di linguisti tenuto a Milano nei giorni 12-14 settembre 1984 / a cura di G. Bolognesi e V. Pisani.
Atti del Sodalizio Glottologico Milanese, 1987, vol. 27, p. 26-30.
Abstract: At head of volume title: Sodalizio glottologico milanese presso l'Istituto di glottologia dell'Universitáa statale di Milano e Istituto lombardo accademia di scienze e lettere.
"L'iscrizione greco-partica sulla statua dell'Eracle da Seleucia (n. 231 -- Eracle in riposo)" (1985)
In: Quarantelli, Ezio (ed.), La Terra tra i due fiumi : venti anni di archeologia italiana in Medio Oriente, la Mesopotamia dei tesori
Torino: Quadrante, 1985, p. 421-422.
"L'iscrizione bilingue greco-partica dell'Eracle di Seleucia" (1987)
Mesopotamia, 1987, vol. 22, p. 139-185.
Perikhanian, A. G.
K voprosu o rabvladenii i zemlevladenii v Irane Parfyanskogo Vremeni (1952)
Vestnik Drevnei Istorii, 1952, vol. 14, p. 13-27.
Obshchestvo i pravo Irana v parfianskii i sasanidskii periody (1983)
Moscow: Nauka, 1983
Périssé, Jean; Pedrazzini, Renzo & Teysseyre, Michèle
Apicius Le Romain
Abstract: Un film de Jean Périssé; Textes et peintures : Michèle Teysseire; Chef Renzo Pedrazzini

Ancient receipes of the Imperial Roman chefs, recreated from historical sources, including one for Agneau à la Parthe (Parthian lamb).

Vidéocassette VHS / Master Digital Betacam. About 40 minutes. Color.
Perkins, Ann
The Art of Dura-Europos (1973)
Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1973
Pescetti, Giovanni Battista
Arsaces : an opera as performe'd at the Theatre Royal in the Hay Market (1737)
London: J. Chrichley, 1737
Abstract: Pasticcio by Pescetti with A. Salvi and Rolli--New Grove. Contains cast list.
Petac, Emanuel
"O moneda partica descoperita la Iglita, com. Turcoaia, jud. Tulcea" [Une monnaie parthe découverte à Iglita, comm. de Turcoaia, dép. de Tulcea] (1992-1993)
In: Buletinul Societatii Numismatice Romane ; Anii 86-87, Nr. 140-141, (1992-1993)
1992, p. 309-311.
Abstract: Summary title: Une monnaie parthe découverte à Iglita, comm. de Turcoaia, dép. de Tulcea. Includes bibliographical references. Text in Romanian; summary in French.
A Parthian silver coin was discovered. It is a drachm struck at Ecbatana by Volgasi IV (A.D. 147-92). It probably was carried to Troesmis by a Roman soldier after the Parthian wars during the reigns of Lucius Verus and Septimius Severus. (Constantin Preda)
"O monedă partică descoperită la Cluj / A Parthian coin discovered at Cluj" (2001)
In: Nicolae, E. (ed.), Symposium de Numismatique organisé à l'occasion de la 400e anniversaire de la premère union des Roumains sous le Prince Michel le Brave. Chisnau, 28-30 Mai 2000
2001, p. 59-62.
Abstract: Summary in English
Peters, John P.
The palace at Nippur; Babylonian, not Parthian (1905)
1905, 452 p.
Petersen, H.
"New evidence for the Relations between Romans and Parthians" (1966)
Berytus, 1966, vol. 16, p. 61-69.
Petrie, W. M. Flinders et al.
The Book of History, Volume IV. The Middle East--The Near East (1915)
In: The book of history. A history of all nations from the earliest times to the present, with over 8,000 illustrations. With an introduction by Viscount Bryce
New York: The Grolier Society, 1915
Abstract: See chapter, "Empire of Parthia"
Petrowicz, Alexander Ritter von
Arsaciden-Münzen. Sammlung Petrowicz - Katalog mit 25 lichtdruktafeln (1904)
Vienna: Petrowicz, 1904, 206 p.
Abstract: A catalog of the Petrowicz collection, for many decades the standard reference, and still utilized as such by many Europeans. In addition to Parthia, there are plates for Armenia and Elymais. There is also a reprint: Graz, Akademische Druck- u. Verlagsanstalt, 1968. The 25 plates in the original edition are very useful, but see Ars Classica XII for better plates and coins added to the Petrowicz collection 1904-1926. See review of the reprint edition by O. Mørkholm, Hamburger Beiträge zur Numismatik, vol. 7, nos. 22-23 (1968-1969, publ. 1972), p. 742.
Petrowicz, Alexander Ritter von (coll.)
"La Serie Parthe de feu Alexandre de Petrowicz" (1926)
In: Sale Catalog -- Ars Classica XII: Catalogue de Monnaies Grecques et Romaines Composant les Collections de feu E. Bisson, de Jules Wertheim, de Sir John Evans, de la Serie Parthe de feu Alexandre de Petrowicz. 18-23 October 1926
Lucerne: Naville et Cie, 1926, p. 126-157.
Abstract: Greek & Roman coins plus numismatic literature. This catalog contains excellent plates of the entire Parthian collection of Petrowicz, whose book on the subject was the standard reference in the first half of the 20th century, and includes coins added after "Arsaciden-Münzen" was published.
Pfeffer, W. v.
Neugefundener Grabstein eines arabisch-parthischen Reiters (1957)
In: Mainzer Zeitschrift, 52
1957, p. 120 ff.
Pfister, R.
Les textiles de Palmyre (1934-40)
In: 3 vols. (vol. 1, 1934; vol. II, 1937; vol. III, 1940.)
Paris: 1934
Pfister, R. & Bellinger, Louisa
The Excavations at Dura-Europos Conducted by Yale University and the French Academy of Inscriptions and Letters. Final Report IV. Part II. The Textiles (1945)
In: Yale Classical Studies
New Haven: Yale University Press, 1945
Pfrommer, Michael
Metalwork from the Hellenized East : catalogue of the collections (1993)
Malibu: J. Paul Getty Museum, 1993, 244 p.
Vita Apollonii [Life of Apollonius of Tyana]
Abstract: Prahata might have been the king of Taxila, ca. A.D. 46, named Phraotes, referred to in the Vita Apollonii of Philostratus.

"Since the internal condition of Parthia at the time when Vardanes had been ruling "two years and eight months," as described in Philostratus' Life of Apollonius of Tyana, fits the facts as we know them, it seems unfair to condemn this whole work as unhistorical. These very figures speak for the accuracy of some details, since they are numbers not usually utilized in fictitious sccounts. But the question of how much can be employed with safety remains a difficult one." [Debevoise (1938), p. xxx]
Phlegon of Tralles
[Fragments] (1961)
In: Die Fragmente der griechischen Historiker (F GR HIST), II B
Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1961, 1164 p.
Abstract: Debevoise, A Political History of Parthia, cites Phlegon's references to Phraates III and Sinatruces in footnotes on pages 52 and 70, using Jacoby's fragments 12.6 and 12.7.
Piacentini, Paola
"La tradizione iranica nel periodo partico" (2007)
In: Invernizzi, Antonio (ed.), Sulla via di Alessandro da Seleucia al Gandhara (Catalog of the exhibition, Palazzo Madama, Torino, 27 Feb to 27 May 2007)
Torino: Edizioni Silvana Editoriale, 2007
Picard, Ch.
"Courrier de l'art antique" (1939)
Gazette des Beaux Arts, 1939, p. 229-234.
Bibliography - Page 47

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