Most historians substantiate the fact that making thread out of animal wool and weaving carpets out of wool and thread began and thrived at the time of Parthian kings in Iran. The histories of Tabari and Noruznameh testify to this fact with the authors of both attributing knitting and cloth making to the time of the Parthian dynasty.
The most authoritative source available in this regard is the Shahnameh by Hakim Abolqassem Ferdowsi which attributes the Parthians as the first Iranians knitting and spinning. In the Kozlov Collection (Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg), there is a fragment of Parthian wool embroidery dated to the first century B.C. to first century A.D. The face is of startling individuality and comparable to the contemporary numismatic portraits. Pope finds in this portrait a worthy antecedent of the Sasanian metal relief portraits. (A. U. Pope, A Survey of Persian Art, II, fig. 240)