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Boucharlat, Rémy & Salles, Jean-François (eds.)
Arabie orientale, Mésopotamie et Iran méridional : de l'age du fer au début de la période islamique (1984)
In: Histoire du Golfe
Paris: Editions Recherche sur les civilisations, 1984
Abstract: Réunion de travail, Lyon, 1982, Maison de l'Orient méditerranéen ancien.
See "Fouilles à Qal'at al-Bahrain" by M. Kevran, pp. 165-166, for a preliminary report on the excavations of a pre-Islamic fortified palace on Bahrain. A plaster-lined silo containing exclusively Hellenistic/Parthian ceramics, was discovered in 1983, proving the building was in use during that period.
Boucharlat, Rémy (ed.)
Empires Perses d'Alexandre aux Sassanides (1999)
Dossiers d'Archeologie, 1999, no. 243
Abstract: Page Author Article
02. Pierre BRIANT, "Les Débuts de la domination Macédonienne en Iran"
06. Georges ROUGEMONT, "Inscriptions grecques d'Iran"
08. Pierre SANLAVILLE, "Alexandre en Gédrosie"
12. Ernie HAERINCK, "Les échanges par la voie maritime du golfe Persique"
14. Olivier LECOMTE, "Iran et 'Non Iran', l'Hyrcanie entre Iran et steppes d'Asie centrale"
18. Shoimardan RAKHMANOV, "Les "Portes de Fer", près de Derbent"
20. Guitty AZARPAY, "La route de la soie entre l'Iran et la Chine"
24. Philippe GIGNOUX, "Ostraca, papyri et parchemins"
26. Rika GYSELEN, "Monnaies et sceaux Sassanides"
30. Rémy BOUCHARLAT, "Villes, palais et temples"
35. Osmund BOPEARACHCHI, "Ai Khanoum, en Afghanistan, soumise au pillage"
36. Muxammadjon ISAMIDDINOV, "L'urbanisme antique d'Afrasiab/Samarcande"
38. Antonio INVERNIZZI, "Nisa, capitale des Parthes au Turkménistan"
40. Antonio INVERNIZZI et Roberta VENCO RICCIARDI, "Séleucie et Ctésiphon, centres Parthe et Sassanide"
44. Mehdi RAHBAR, "Khorheh, une résidence Parthe sur le plateau Iranien"
47. Hermann GASCHE, "Abou Qoubour, une résidence Parthe près de Baghdad"
50. Massoud AZARNOUSH, "Hadjiabad, résidence Sassanide dans le Fars"
52. Massoud AZARNOUSH, "Kangavar, un temple séleucide d'Anahita devient un monument sassanide"
54. Ernie HAERINCK, "L'art des bas-reliefs rupestres"
61. Jafar MEHR KIAN, "Découvertes de nouveaux bas-reliefs d'Elymaïde"
62. Mehdi RAHBAR, "Découverte de panneaux de stucs Sassanides à Dargaz"
66. Frantz GRENET, "La peinture sassanide de Ghulbiyan"
68. Rémy BOUCHARLAT, "Temples du feu sassanides"
71. Philippe GIGNOUX, "Zoroastrisme et mazdéisme"
72. Michel TARDIEU, "Les laïcs renonçants de l'église manichéenne"
74. Marie-joseph STEVE, "Sur l'île de Kharg, dans le golfe persique"
78. Michel TARDIEU, "La direction de la prière chez les chrétiens d'Asie centrale"
81. Mahmoud MOUSAVI, "Kuh-E Khadjeh, un complexe religieux de l'est Iranien"
85. Rémy BOUCHARLAT, "Zoroastrisme et pratiques funéraires"
90. Mehdi RAHBAR, "Les tombeaux d'époque Parthe de Gelâlak"
94. Hamideh CHOUBAK, "Une étonnante céramique dans une nécropole Parthe dans la région de Kerman"
96. "Chronologie"
Bouché-Leclercq, Auguste
Histoire des Séleucides (323-64 avant J.-C.) (1913)
In: 2 volumes
Paris: E. Léroux, 1913
"L'Iran sélucide et parthe" (1952)
In: La civilisation iranienne
Paris: 1952, p. 75-119.
Bowersock, Glen W.
"La Mésène (Maišân) Antonine" (1989)
In: Fahd, T. (ed.), L'Arabie préislamique et son environnement historique et culturel, actes du Colloque de Strasbourg, 24-27 juin 1987
Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1989, p. 159-168.
Boyce, Mary
"Some Parthian abecedarian Hymns" (1952)
Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, 1952, vol. 14, p. 435-450.
The Manichaean hymn-cycles in Parthian (1954)
In: London oriental series, v.3
New York: Oxford University Press, 1954, 199 p.
"The Parthian gosan professional singer and the Iranian Minstrel Tradition" (1957)
Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, 1957, vol. Pt 1 & 2, p. 10-45.
A Catalogue of the Iranian Manuscripts in Manichean Script in the German Turfan Collection (1960)
Berlin: 1960
"The Use of Relative Particles in Western Middle Iranian" (1964)
In: Redard, Georges (ed.), Indo-Iranica. Mélanges présentés à Georg Morgenstierne
Wiesbaden: 1964, p. 28-47.
"Some Middle Persian and Parthian Constructions with Governed Pronouns" (1964)
In: Dr. J. M. Unvala Memorial Volume
Bombay: 1964, p. 49-56.
"The Zoroastrian Houses of Yazd" (1971)
In: Bosworth, C. E. (ed.), Iran and Islam: In memory of the late Vladimir Minorsky
Edinburgh: 1971, p. 125-147.
A reader in Manichaean : Middle-Persian and Parthian / texts with notes by Mary Boyce (1975)
In: Acta Iranica : 3. sér., Textes et mémoires ; v.2
Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1975, 196 p.
Abstract: Texts in Pahlavi or Parthian (romanized)
"Parthian Writings and Literature" (1983)
In: Yarshater, Ehsan (ed.), The Cambridge History of Iran. The Seleucid, Parthian and Sasanian Periods, vol. 3, part 2
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1983, p. 1151-1165.
"Iranian Festivals" (1983)
In: Yarshater, Ehsan (ed.), The Cambridge History of Iran. The Seleucid, Parthian and Sasanian Periods, vol. 3, part 2
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1983, p. 792-815.
"The Arsacids. iv. Arsacid Religion" (1986)
In: Encyclopaedia Iranica, vol. 2
1986, p. 540-541.
"The Sedentary Arsacids" (1994)
Iranica Antiqua, 1994, vol. 29, p. 242-251.
"The Parthians: Defenders of the Land and Faith" (2002)
In: Godrej, Pheroza J. & Mistree, Firoza Punthakey (eds.), A Zoroastrian tapestry : art, religion & culture
Middletown, NJ: Grantha, 2002, p. 98-115.
Boyce, Mary & Zwanziger, Ronald
A word-list of Manichaean Middle Persian and Parthian by Mary Boyce ; with a reverse index by Ronald Zwanziger (1977)
In: Acta Iranica : 3. sér., Textes et mémoires ; v. 2: Suppl
Acta Iranica 9a
Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1977, 172 p.
Abstract: Reverse index to A reader in Manichaean Middle Persian and Parthian
Boyle, John A.
Persia : history and heritage (1978)
London: Melland, 1978
Brace, Charles L.
The Races of the Old World : A Manual of Ethnology (1863)
New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1863, 540 p.
Bradford, Alfred S.
With arrow, sword, and spear : a history of warfare in the ancient world (2001)
Westport, Conn.: Praeger, 2001, xviii+312 p.
Abstract: illustrated by Pamela M. Bradford. Most studies of ancient warfare focus only on the Greeks and the Romans, but this sweeping study covers the whole of the ancient world from Greece and Rome to the Near East, then eastward to Parthia, India, and China. Bradford transports the reader into the midst of ancient battles behind such great leaders as Thutmose III, Ashurbanipal, Alexander, Hannibal, Caesar, and the First Emperor of China. He details the rise and fall of empires, the role of leadership, and the development of tactics and strategy. One sees the clash of peoples: nomads against agricultural societies, infantry against cavalry, as well as the greatest technological change in history--the combination of the composite bow and the chariot. [Publisher]
Brady, Charles A.
Report to the royal academy of Parthia for transmission to Phraataces, king of kings (1958)
Buffalo: 1958, 1 p.
Abstract: Christmas poem from the Brady family. White paper printed in black; illustrated in green, blue, red, and gold.
Braund, David
"The Caspian Gates in Roman-Persian relations in ancient Transcaucasia" (2000)
Archäologische Mitteilungen aus Iran, 2000, vol. 32, p. 37-41.
Breccia, Evaristo
"Mitridate I il Grande, di Partia" (1905)
Klio, 1905, vol. 5, p. 39-54.
Brentjes, Burchard
"'Parthian' Monuments in Transcaucasia and Central Asia" (1988)
Bulletin of the Asia Institute, 1988, tome/ser. New, vol. 2
Abstract: In addition to structures at Nisa (Turkmenistan), temples at the sites of Mansur-depe (Turkmenistan) and Dedoplis Mindori (Georgia) are considered as Parthian. [C.A. Bromberg]
"Incised Bones and a Ceremonial Belt: Finds from Kurgan-Tepe and Tillia-Tepe" (1989)
Bulletin of the Asia Institute, 1989, tome/ser. New, vol. 3
Abstract: A ceremonial belt found at Tillia-tepe is compared to Parthian-period belts. The author discusses belts from Mathura, Hatra, and Mzcheta (Georgia). [C.A. Bromberg]
Steppenreiter und Handelsherren : die Kunst der Partherzeit in Vorderasien (1990)
Leipzig: E. A. Seemann, 1990
Abstract: Numerous illustrations in the text and 37 fig., partly in color, on art print boards. Time line. Literature. Register. Excellent overview of Parthian art in the core area and the adjacent zones of influence (Syria, Armenia, Georgia, etc.).
Brett, Agnes Baldwin
Catalogue of Greek coins / by Agnes Baldwin Brett, honorary curator of classical coins, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston ; with a new introd. by Mary B. Comstock and Cornelius C. Vermeule, Jr (1955)
New York: Attic Books, 1974
Abstract: Unchanged reprint of the 1955 ed. published by the museum. Parthian coins are catalog numbers 2209-2231, 2344; Elymais 2232; Persis 2342-2343; Bacrtia 2233-2244, all with plates. Includes bibliographies, concordances and indexes. Dobbins (1975) provides plates of Parthian coins, catalog nos. 2218-2223.
Brewer, Ian
Parthia (1973)
Slingshot: The Journal of the Society of Ancients, 1973, no. 50 (Nov)
Abstract: An article on wargamming.
Briant, Pierre
"Les débuts de la domination Macédonienne en Iran" (1999)
In: Boucharlat, Rémy (ed.), Empires Perses d'Alexandre aux Sassanides
Dossiers d'Archeologie, 1999, no. 243, p. 2-5.
Briant, Pierre (ed.)
Irrigation et drainage dans l'Antiquite. Qanats et canalisations souterraines en Iran, en Egypte et en Grece (Seminaire du College de France, mars 2000) (2001)
In: Collection "Persika" 2
Paris: Editions Thotm, 2001
Abstract: The collection and distribution of water was one of the central concerns of ancient Near Eastern states and societies, including the Achaemenid empire. A specific form of access to subterranean water was already known at that time, namely, qanats. The Hellenistic historian Polybius has left the only ancient description of qanats.

The discussion is now fueled by recent discoveries made by a French archaeological mission at the Egyptian oasis of Khargeh. In order to bring these questions up to date, Pierre Briant convened a seminar at the College de France. Researchers from different specialties adopted a truly interdisciplinary approach in bringing their points of view face to face, where the history of technology, social history, economic history and political history intersect and are enriched.

--With contributions by Pierre Briant, Professor at the Collegege de France, Paris; Denis Knoepfler, Professor at the University of Neuchatel; Thierry Chatelain, PhD Neuchatel; Michel Wuttmann, Member of the Institut Francais d'Archeologie Orientale (IFAO), Cairo; Michel Chauveau, Ecole des hautes-Etudes, Paris; Mirjo Salvini, Istituto per gli Studi Micenei ed Egeo-anatolici (Ismea), Rome; Remy Boucharlat, Maison de l'Orient, Lyon; Bernard Bousquet, Institute of Geography, University of Nantes.

See review in Topoi 11.
Brindley, James C.
"The organization of the Parthian bronze coinage" (1976)
In: Le Rider, Georges & Cahn, Herbert A., Proceedings of the 8th International Congress of Numismatics, New York-Washington, September 1973
Paris and Basel: Association internationale des Numismates professionnels, 1976, p. 31-38.
Abstract: Remarks presented at the Numismatic Congress in 1973. "The denominations and the distribution among various mints down to the end of the reign of Gotarzes II (A.D. 51) are discussed rather summarily." [Mørkholm, "Greece to India", 1979]
Brizzi, Giovanni
"L'armamento legionario dell'età giulio-claudia e le guerre partiche" (1981)
Critica storica, 1981, vol. 18, no. 2, p. 177-201.
"Città greche, comunità giudaiche e rapporti romano partici in Mesopotamia (I-II sec. D.C.)" (1981)
In: Rivista storica dell'antichità, anno 11, N. 1-2
Bologna: Pàtron Editore, 1981, p. 103-118.
"La guerra nell'impero romano" (1989)
Archeo, 1989, vol. 52, no. June, p. 46-97.
Brodersen, Kai
"The Date of the Secession of Parthia from the Seleucid Kingdom" (1986)
Historia, 1986, vol. 35, p. 378-381.
Bromberg, Carol A.
"An Iranian gesture at Miran" (1991)
Bulletin of the Asia Institute, 1991, tome/ser. New, vol. 5, p. 45-58.
Abstract: Finger-pointing
Brosius, Maria
"Parthians" (2000)
In: Speake, Graham (ed.), Encyclopedia of Greece and the Hellenic Tradition. Volume 2: L - Z.
London & Chicago: Fitzroy Dearborn, 2000, p. 1258-1259.
The Persians: An Introduction (2006)
In: Series: Peoples of the Ancient World
London: Routledge, 2006, xviii+217 p.
Abstract: the work is an excellent introduction to these three ancient civilisations which combines a depth of research, and a wide focus with a lively literary style, which makes it an easy and highly enjoyable read... this work is an excellent introduction to the Achaemenid, Parthian and Sasanian civilisations, and takes a refreshing, non-western based, approach to ancient history. (Gareth C. Sampson, BMCR)

The Persians provides a comprehensive introduction for the student and general reader interested in the history of the three dynasties of Pre-Islamic Iran, the Achaemenids, the Arsacids (or Parthians), and the Sasanians, covering the period from c. 700 BC to c. AD 650. It conveys the history of the Persian empires as well as outlining the structures upon which these empires were built, the king and his court, the organization of the empire, religion and culture, and art and architecture. Frequent source citations enable the reader to gain direct access to the written material. (Publisher)
Brown, F. E.
"A recently discovered composite bow" (1937)
In: Seminarium Kondakovianum
Seminarium Kondakovianum, 1937, vol. 9, p. 1-10.
Abstract: This is a difficult-to-find but important article in which Brown details a nearly complete composite bow, found at the Yrzi necropolis, which he dates to the Parthian era. The article includes excellent illustrations, from which at least two replicas have since been built. Considering the almost complete absence of Parthian military equipment in the archeological record, the survival of a nearly complete bow is really remarkable. This article is also the source for Junkelmann's reference.

This appears to be the source of information on the bow for Junkelmann, Marcus. Die Reiter Roms. Vol. 3, Zubehör, Reitweise, Bewaffnung (1992), in: Kulturgeschichte der Antiken Welt; Bd. 45, 49, 53 ( Mainz am Rheim: Verlag Philipp von Zabern, 1992), pp. 163, 169).
Brown, P. R. L.
"Parthians and Sasanians" (1978)
In: Boyle, John A. (ed.), Persia : history and heritage
London: British Institute of Persian Studies, 1978, p. 24-30.
Browne, E. G.
Literary History of Persia (1951)
Cambridge: University Press, 1969
Abstract: See vol I, From the earliest times until Firdawsí.
Brue, Adrien Hubert & Levasseur, Emile
Carte Generale de l'Asie Mineure, de l'Armenie, de la Syrie, de la Mespotomie et du Caucase &c. (1822)
In: Atlas Universel de Geographie
Paris: 1822
Abstract: Maps of Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Iran, Middle East. Three inset maps of the Ancient empires. Double-folio, on heavy paper, and handsomely produced for this well-known atlas (Atlas Universel de Geographie.). Brue was the Royal Geographer at this time. This image measures 14x20 inches, covers Crete to Parthia.
Brundage, C.
"Feudalism in Ancient Mesopotamia and Iran" (1956)
In: Coulborn, R., Feudalism in History
Princeton: 1956, p. 110-113.
Brunner, Christopher J.
A syntax of western Middle Iranian (1977)
In: Persian studies series, no 3
Delmar, N.Y.: Caravan Books, 1977, xviii+291 p.
Buchheim, H.
"Die Orientpolitik des Triumvirn M. Antonius" (1960)
In: Akad. d. W. Phil. Hist. 3
Berlin: Akademie der Wissenschaften, 1960
Buhl, Marie-Louise
"A Parthian Vase in the Danish National Museum" (1951)
Acta Archæologica, 1951, vol. 22, p. 166-168.
Bulin, R. K.
Untersuchungen zur Politik and Kriegführung Roms im Osten von 100-68 v. Chr. (1983)
Frankfurt/Bern: 1983
Abstract: Phil. Diss., Frankfurt/Bern
Bibliography - Page 10

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